Mr.Kilbride's Period 5 Malden High School 9th Grade Class Generation Citizens: Improving Freshman Transition
Meeting with 9th Grade Guidance: Main Purpose for Freshmen Orientation: A day for freshmen to get to know the building,, faculty, and the various opportunities offered at Malden High. Noticeable Problem: Freshmen seem to struggle most with getting used to schedules and getting around the building. Key Difference Between Middle School and High School: High school teachers are more stern about grades, and students need to be more independent in high school. Goals: Help Freshmen feel more comfortable in joining clubs, sports, and scholastic activities
The Forestdale School We talked to Karie Carpenito asking... What she likes about the 8th grade transition? -MHS guidance counselors coming to Forestdale to talk about course selections -The MAAP program for some incoming 9th graders -Communication between MHS guidance counselors and Forestdale guidance counselors about incoming students' needs What she doesn't like? -The drastic cutback in the shadowing program this year -Lack of contact by HS guidance with current 8th graders How we could make it better? -Expand the shadowing program and orientation -Have MHS guidance counselors go to Forestdale more frequently -Bring some MHS activities to Forestdale -Use former Forestdale students as ambassadors of MHS to the current 8th graders
The Salemwood School We talked with the principal of the Salemwood School, Mrs. Carol Keenan, about the preparations made by the middle schools and the high school to make the transition for 8th graders to the high school smooth and informative. Mrs. Keenan informed us that she believed that our freshman orientation was a great way to start the year off for all the freshman. Mrs. Keenan suggested that towards the end of the school year, current 9th graders should come to the middle schools and speak with the eighth graders about how their freshman year experience went. She stated that it would be great for the 8th graders to just "fire off all their questions to the 9th graders, no need for any type of slideshow." She thinks it would be a great way for eighth graders to get a lot of their questions about freshman year answered before the summer. Mrs. Keenan's suggestion is already starting to come in place. At the end of May, three members of our class will be going to the Salemwood School to talk to their current 8th graders, and answer any and all of their questions.
The Beebe School We worked with the staff of the Beebe School to find out what is needed to create an easier, more comfortable transition. We ed the 8th grade team, assistant and school principal, and guidance counselors. One teacher said,"I think the tour is good. I also think that it would be ideal to get 20 kids in a group and just leave them in a room to talk to high school kids about what MHS is like. The kids here have concerns that they are going to get lost...They are worried about the amount of work what the classes are really going to be like and if they will be able to keep pace...Maybe a mentor system with an older student helping the younger student." The principal, Ms.Vatalaro was happy to hear about the plan and encouraged us to start. The assistant principal Jason Webster was also very motivated about our plan and was happy to help.
We talked to Diane Buonopane, 8th grade math teacher at the Linden School, about how we can improve the freshman's experience. She said that the High School used to have a full blown fair, with plays, music, and interviews with current upperclassmen. She also said that it would be helpful if we had upperclass mentors, who would come into homeroom for the first week of school, and answer any questions that the freshman have. The Linden School
The Ferryway School Plans in place for Ferryway Visits Malden High School twice during the year College & High school "orientation" throughout the year o Pick and discuss different classes o Students are taught high school expectations and graduation requirements Teacher's work expectations reach those of high school teachers as the year progresses
8th Grade Survey 1.Are you confident about entering Malden High next year? A. Very confident B. Somewhat confident C. Not confident D. Not attending Malden High next year 2. Was the tour you took this year of Malden High helpful? A. Very helpful B. Somewhat helpful C. Not very helpful, the tour needed to be extended/ more detailed 3. Would it be useful if an upperclassman guided you to your classes for the first week? A. Wouldn’t be helpful B. Would be somewhat helpful C. Would be very helpful D. Not attending Malden High 4. Did you know that there is a channel surfing program called the crazy eights that introduces you to the high school and other activities? A. I don’t know what that is B. It’s at my school, but I don’t go to it C. I take the program D. It’s not at my school, but I’ve heard about it
9th Grade Survey 1.How easily did you find your classes? A. I got really lost and arrived late to class B. I got to my classes on time, however I got a little lost C. I found my way to my classes very easily 2.Would a map of the school been helpful? A. Yes B. No C. Maybe 3.Was the tour you took in 8th grade helpful? A. Very helpful B. Somewhat helpful C. Not helpful D. I did not take a tour of Malden High 4.Would it have been helpful if an upperclassmen guided you to your classes for the first week? A. Not helpful B. Somewhat helpful C. Very helpful
Our Future Plan With hopes of improving freshmen transition, we are going to: Visit the Malden Middle School 8th graders, to discuss the expectations of freshman year. Actively participate in freshmen orientation, which will hopefully make freshman feel more comfortable and allow this day to be more effective Work with new freshmen that are struggling into settle in high school.