Part 1Part 2Part 3Part
Row 1, Col 1 국가의 national
1,2 평화로운 peaceful
1,3 미라 mummy
1,4 가장 잘 알려진 Best-known
2,1 It wasn’t easy ( )him to paint after that for
2,2 Explain painting( )me To/for
2,3 ( 동안 ) today’s art gallery during
2,4 It is kind( ) you to help me. of
3,1 ~ 처럼 보이다 Look like
3,2 흐릿한 Out of focus
3,3 ~ 비슷하다 Be similar to
3,4 ~ 더 관심이 있다 Be more interested in
4,1 Enjoy(learn) learning
4,2 I can’t believe it. =It’s a_____. amazing
4,3 He himself did his homework. 무슨용법 ? 강조용법
4,4 So the face and the hands of the Man are similar to those of the mummy. Q: those 가 지칭하는 말 ? The face and the hands
5,1 What is Jennifer going to do? She is going to explain the paintings for students during today’s gallery tour.
5,2 What happened to Monet when he became old? He got an eye disease when he became old, which made him see things in muddy,red,and yellow tone.
5,3 How did Munch express his feeling? He expressed his feelings through the man in the picture.
5,4 Why did Gogh paint the stars so big and round? Because he wanted to show the beautiful colors of the night sky.