WARM UP - - RENAISSANCE ART On your notecard: 1. Make a list of how the two paintings are similar and different. 2. What influence do you think culture has on artists and artwork? Renaissance Art Modern Art
RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY CRAWL 1.Log in to your chromebook and go to google classroom. 2.Open the Art Gallery Crawl document. Gallery Crawl Rules: 1) Use the up, down, left, right arrows to move around the gallery. 2) View each picture in the gallery before you try to answer the questions. You will have 20 minutes to walk through the gallery and answer the questions before we discuss as a class
RENAISSANCE ART GALLERY FOLLOW UP… What themes did you see from the paintings in the gallery? Why do you think those themes were so popular amongst Renaissance artists? How do those themes relate to changes that were happening during the Renaissance period? Class Discussion
LEONARDO DA VINCI READING Open the Da Vinci Reading pdf in classroom to read through the information sheet and answer the questions. As you are reading and answering the questions, focus on the impact that da Vinci’s ideas/inventions had on the people of the Renaissance as well as the impact he has in our life today.
EXIT TICKET On the back of your index card, answer the following question: What impact did art have on people’s lives during the Renaissance? (We will review answers tomorrow)