Pictures.docx ~Renaissance vs. Medieval Paintings~ Pictures.docx Pictures.docx ~Renaissance vs. Medieval Paintings~ Pictures.docx
Knight, Kevin. “St. Lucy.” 21 February, New Advent. 8 February, “Saint Lucy.” 21 February, Catholic Online. 10 February, “Saint Lucy.” 18 February, Wikipedia Foundation. 8 February, Bibliography
“Saint Lucy and Her Mother at the Shrine of Saint Agatha; Saint Lucy Giving Alms; Saint Lucy before Paschasius; Saint Lucy Resisting Efforts to Move Her.” 21 February, Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. 5 February, jpg&imgrefurl= ho_ htm&usg=__-rkqlUtZII- Fm5ds03ibCt3KBc0=&h=324&w=500&sz=51&hl=de&start=4&si g2=ZIYpbClZNEbpyeb9s19lzg&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=kHl6vYCV 3D23bM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3DGiova nni%2Bdi%2BBartolommeo%2BCristiani%26hl%3Dde%26rlz%3D 1T4GPTB_enUS288US288%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=K4VxS8v MO5yfsgairo2LCQ “St Lucy before the Judge.” 21 February, 5 February, lucy-before-the-judge-lorenzo-lotto.html Pictures