REVIEW OF IMPLEMENTATION OF NFSM PROGRAMME FOR THE STATE OF ASSAM Venue – Acharya J.C. Bose Hall, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Date – 27 th October, 2015 Department of Agriculture Govt. of Assam
FINANCIAL SUMMARY OF FUND RELEASED & EXPENDITURE UNDER NFSM-PROGRAMME, (Rs in Lakh) Name of ProgrammeFund released by GoI Released by State Govt. Utilized during the year Unspent during the year NFSM-Rice NFSM- Pulse NFSM- Coarse Cereals (Maize) Additional area Coverage under Pulses Total
InterventionsUnitPhysicalFinancial% of Achievement TargetAch.TargetAch.PhyFin (Rs) Cluster demonstration ha Seed Distributionqtls Plant and Soil Protection Management ha Resource Conservation Techniques/ Tools Nos Efficient Water Application Tools: a) Incentive for Pump SetsNos b)Water Carrying PipesRm Cropping System based trainingsNos Local InitiativeNos Total PROGRESS REPORT OF NFSM-RICE, (Rs in Lakh)
InterventionsUnit PhysicalFinancial % of Achievement TargetAch.TargetAch.PhyFin Demonstration on Improved technologies ha Distribution of HYV Seedsqtl Integrated Nutrient Managementha Integrated Pest Managementha Resource Conservation Technologies / tools Nos Efficient water application tools (a) Incentive for pump setsNos (b) Pipe for carrying water from source to field Mtrs c) Sprinkler setsNos Cropping System based trainingsNos Miscellaneous Expenses Local initiative Total PROGRESS REPORT OF NFSM-PULSES, (Rs in Lakh)
InterventionsUnit PhysicalFinancial % of Achievement TargetAch.TargetAch.PhyFin Demonstration on Improved technologies :- a) Cluster Demonstrationha Distribution of HYV Seeds qtl Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) ha Integrated Pest management (IPM) ha Efficient water application tools Incentive for pump sets Nos Total PROGRESS REPORT OF ADDITIONAL AREA COVERAGE PULSES PROGRAMME, (Rs in Lakh)
PROGRESS REPORT OF NFSM-COARSE CEREALS, Financial Rupees in Lakhs InterventionsUnitPhysicalFinancial% of Achievement TargetAch.TargetAch. PhyFin Demonstration on Improved technologies :- ha Distribution of Certified Seeds qtl (a) HYV Maize Seeds (b) Hybrid Maize Seed Local Initiative Total
Progress of implementation of NFSM during Kharif,2015 ( Unspent fund of ) Sl. InterventionsUnitPhysicalFinancial% of Achievement TargetAch.TargetAch.TargetFin (Rs) 1 Cluster demonstration a) Line Transplanting ha b) Stress Tolerant Variety ha c) Hybrid Rice Technology ha Seed Distribution a) HYV seesdsqtls b) Hybrid seeds qtls Resource Conservation Techniques/ Tools (a) RotavatorNos Total ( Rs in lakh) a) Rice
InterventionsUnit PhysicalFinancial% of Achievement TargetAch.TargetAch.PhyFin Demonstration on Improved technologies :-ha a) Black gram b) Green gram Integrated Nutrient Management a) Micronutrientha Total InterventionsUnitPhysicalFinancial% of Achievement TargetAch.TargetAch. PhyFin Demonstration on Improved technologies ha Local Initiative Total Progress of implementation of NFSM during Kharif,2015 ( Unspent fund of ) ( Rs in lakh) b) Pulses c) Coarse Cereals
FINANCIAL SUMMARY OF ANNUAL ACTION PLAN, NFSM-RICE, PULSES & COARSE CEREALS (Rs in Lakh) Name of ProgrammeTarget Approved by Govt. of India Fund Released by GOI CentralState TOTAL Share NFSM-RICE NFSM- PULSES NFSM- Coarse Cereals (Maize) Total
InterventionsUnitTarget PhyFin Cluster Demonstration on (i) Direct Seeded Riceha (ii) Line Transplanting ha (iii) SRIha (iv) Hybrid Riceha (v) Stress Tolerant Rice (Sahabhagi dhan)ha (vi) Cropping System Based (Rice +Pulses)ha Total Seed Distribution a) Hybrid Rice Seed qtl b) HYV Seeds qtl Total Preparedness for Rabi, NFSM-RICE (Rs. in Lakhs)
InterventionsUnitTarget PhyFin a) Demonstration on Improved technologiesha b) Cropping system based demonstration (Pulses+Rice/Maize) ha Total Distribution of Certified Seeds: (HYV Seed)qtls Preparedness for Rabi, NFSM-Pulse (Fin Rs in Lakh) InterventionsUnitTarget PhyFin Demonstration on Improved technologiesha Summer Black gram & Green gramha Distribution of Certified Seeds: (HYV Seed) Summer Black gram & Green gram qtl Rabi/ Summer Maize Demo qtls Additional Area Coverage for Pulses (In Rice fallows)
Demonstration organized on Stress Tolerant Rice varieties during Sl. No. Variety Qty. of seed (qtl.) No. of demo. Area (ha.) No. of beneficiary 1 Swarna Sub 1 (Kharif, 2015) Shabhagi Dhan (Rabi, ) Total :
Availability of seeds during (Kharif + Rabi) Sl. No. CropVariety Requirement (qtl.) Source 1Paddy Abhishek, Naveen, Chandrama, CR Dhan 500, MTU 1010, MTU 1001, Pratikha, Swarna Sub 1, Gitesh, Ciherang Sub 1, Sahabhagi Dhan 5,19,635 SAU, SSC, NSC, Private Agencies, Registered growers, Departmental Farms 2Blackgram Pant Urd 31, WBU ,715 SAU, SSC, Private Agencies 3Greengram IPM-2-3, TMB-3, HUM-16 6,810 4Pea VL Matar-42, HUDP-15 13,490 NSC, SAU, SSC, Private Agencies 5Lentil Azad Masur, HUL 57, Moitree, Pant-406 7,420 6SesamumPB-11,055 SSC, Private Agencies 7 Rapeseed / Mustard TS-36, Pusa Mehak, M-27, TS-46, TS-38 38,418 SAU, SSC, Departmental Farms 8JuteTarun6,825 NSC, SAU, SSC
Assessment of Kharif, 2015 Area, Production & Yield of Crops Sl. No. Crop Achievement, (departmental assessment) (anticipated achievement / target) AreaProductionYieldAreaProductionYield 1.Autumn Rice Winter Rice Total Kharif Rice Kharif Maize Kharif Pulses Kharif Foodgrains Kharif Oilseeds Jute Sugarcane (Area : lakh ha., Production : lakh MT, Yield : Kg. per ha.)