Northern Snakehead By: Alaa Azzam 851 * Essential information about Northern Snakehead. The Northern Snakehead is an invasive fish. They scientific name is Channa Argus. They belong to Channidea family. The northern snakehead is a fresh water species. Females can produce many children. They can survive in water with low oxygen level. They can breath air. They can live out of water for several days. They can eat fish, crayfish and frogs with their sharp teeth. Northern Snakehead can eat : Fish Frog Crayfish * Northern snakehead vs. Bowfin and Burbot. Northern Snakehead look like bowfin and Burbot. The Bowfin and Burbot are native to America. The difference between them is Northern Snakehead are large. The scaled head of the fish look like a snake. They are cylindrical fish that grow to 33 inches long. Their weights is eight K.G. Snakehead color is brown. They have large mouth. The Northern Snakehead has pelvic fins near head and long anal fin. North American Bowfin does not has scales on head but they have pelvic fins at mid-body and short anal fin. The Burbot has barbel on chin and long anal fin. Scales on head pelvic fin long anal fin pelvic fin short anal fin Barbel on chin long anal fin Northern Snakehead By: Alaa Azzam 851
* Where does Northern Snake- head live? They can been found in China, Russia and Korea. Other snakehead species can be found in parts of Asia and Africa. The Northern Snakehead is the only species that can survive in North American climate north of Florida and Mexico. The Northern Snakehead has been found in several states including Main [1976], Florida [2000], Hawaii, Maryland [2002], Massachusetts [2001], North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia [2004], California [2007], Arkansas [2008]. * why does Northern Snakehead dangerous? Northern Snakehead is poplar in the fresh fish industry. They are used in some Asian cultures for medical purpose. Northern snake- head is distinguish fish. Scientist do a lot of research about northern snakehead. The result is northern snakehead causes harmful things on the native fishes in water. The northern Snakehead had competition with the other native fish for food and habitat. If you catch a northern snakehead you need to put the northern snakehead in ice or freeze water. habitat food * Bibliography * Argus, Channa. "Northern Snakehead Fish". 21 April.2010 * "Recognizing Northern". * "Northern Snakehead". 22 April.2010. * "Adult Snakehead". * Mayel, Firehillaryst. " Maryland Wages War On Invasive Walking Fish. "http://news. 30 May 2010 * EJ, Dolin. Snakehead. Smithsonian. Sep.7 2003 *Ann, Halam. Snakehead. Laurel Leaf. Sep.8 2009 * "Northern Snakehead caught in lake wylie". 1 May.2010