The Map To Everywhere Book Cover By: Audrey
A Ship A ship because in the book Mariel finds a ship with a wizard and boy on board. She gets on the ship and starts sailing around on the pirate stream, the pirate stream is where all the people from different universes go to meet other people in the other places.
A Bird Mariel finds a bird named Rose and she helps them navigate also she fly's around and squawks if she sees danger.
A Map I chose a map because that is what Mariel and Fin are looking for. Mariel needs it to go back to Arizona and Fin needs it to find his Mom. Parts of the map are scattered all over the place and they need to find all the pieces.
Golden Water The pirate stream is magic, so it only makes sense to have magic water. The water is golden because it is filled with magic, if you touch the water then you go crazy from being exposed to raw magic.
Orphanage I put a orphanage because Fin’s mother gave him up when he was three, Fin never new why. Fin grew up in the orphanage. But a strange thing happens to him, every time someone meets him that person immediately forgets that he even exists.