Fishing Methods: Pole and Line Fishing Ledhyane Ika Harlyan
Capaian Pembelajaran Mengetahui metode pengoperasian alat tangkap pole and line Mengetahui jenis-jenis target tangkapan Mengetahui beberapa faktor penentu keberhasilan alat tangkap pole and line
Target tangkapan 1.Skip Jack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) 2. Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) 3. Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) 4. Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obessus) 5. Atlantic Blue fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
Gear Types Consists of a hooked line attached to a pole Common for sport fishing or commercial fishery Poles/Fishing rods are made from wood, bamboo, or fiberglass It may be hand operated or mechanized
Pole and Line Fishing Vessel Operated from the shore (sport fishing) or from vessel (sport/commercial fishery) Length: 15 – 40 m Special arrangement: many poles in side boat + area for keeping bait alive + water sprinker
Types of Pole and Line Fishing Vessel 1.Small vessel: GT; distance <30 mil; without catch preservation 2.Medium vessel: GT; distance 30 – 50 mil; duration: <5 days of fishing 3.Big vessel: >100 Gt; duration : >40 days of fishing
Auxiliary equipments 1.Pila-pila fishing area 2.Water sprinkle/pump with diameter pipe of 3.5 inch 3.Place for bait (bowl) for keeping the baits alive 4.Scoopnet for placing baits into the sea 5.FADs