Life in the High Middle Ages Chapter 10 Life in the High Middle Ages
Questions to Answer Who worked, prayed, and fought in medieval society, and what were their lives like? What was the Cult of Saints? Who was Thomas Aquinas, and why is he important? What was the Gregorian Revolution? What were the Crusades, and how did they change Western Civilization?
Life in the High Middle Ages Those Who Work Those Who Fight Those Who Pray
The Three Orders Those Who Work 2. Those Who Fight 3. Those Who Pray
The Backbone of Rural Economics Manoralism - Peasant class and the ruling class 1. Peasants need protection - protection for work 1. free farmers (peasants) 2. not so free (serfs) Feudalism - The relationship between a lord or a count and a vassal 1. The ruling class needs bodyguards - money and land for protection 1. Fief & Homage ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
The Feudal System
Those Who Work Peasants Serfs Slaves
The Manoral System
Those Who Worked Serfs and Free Men Peasants Free farmers 1. differed greatly Slaves Slavs Completely Owned - Bought or sold - Drops Serfs (Most Important) subject to the authority of another (lord) 1. Widespread &Paid Fees
The Manor The Manor - Estates (two parts) 1. demesne 2. Peasant & Serf lands - Center rural medieval life 1. Pastures/Meadows/ Forest Land 2. Open Field System - Crop Rotation ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
Life on the Manor - Really boring Life on the Manor - Lived and Died on the Manor 1. Positives - Strong sense of Family/ Know what is expected of you 2. Negatives - Really boring Family Composition 1. Nuclear
Religion Religion Impact 1. Village Church - Community Center 2. Cult of Saints - Saint Worship Religion has the greatest impact on the Christian on daily life 1. Village Church - Center of Community life 1. social, political, economic, religious 2. Cult of Saints - this is a very big deal 1. Pray for health 2. Go to heaven 3. A lot of times veneration from a violent crime constituted a pilgrimage - Knights always had to go Saints are special men and women who did things here on earth that had made them so holy that they were able to intercede between people an d god 1. Virgin Mary was the most famous
©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
Those Who Fight Nobility Aristocratic Warrior Class, who enjoyed a special legal status Immense personal freedom 2. Responsibility only to his lord - Raising troops -Commanding troops
The Feudal System
The Castle
The Castle
Noble Men Noble Professional fighter 2. Virtue - Chivalry 1. Horseman (Knight) - ministerials
Noble Boys Until 7 1. played After 7 placed in the house of the father’s friend 1. Trained in war 2. Read Latin 3. Care for lord’s house and equipment At about 20 Knighthood 1. Follow Chivalry 2. Travel 3. Tournaments Anywhere between 20 and … 1. Becomes lord of the manor
Nobel Boys
Noble Girls Until 7 Played After 7 Learned to manage a house At 16 Married (husband normally in his 30s) After 16 Managed manor house Had Children
Those Who Fight Noble Life -Managerial Bound to Lord Very Political Fighting
Those Who Pray Crucial service (prayer) Created an educated elite Recruited from the upper classes Noble children honorable and aristocratic life Two basic types Monks Nuns
The Cathedral
Those Who Pray Monasteries Nuns Choir Monks - Daughters of the elite Religious Duties Secular Duties Monks Living in Monasteries 1. Life Circled around the Liturgy Monasteries Choir Monks Cellarer Lay Brothers Almoner Cantor Novice Master Abbot Other Workers
Those Who Pray
Those Who Pray The Medieval University Scholasticism Medieval Philosophy - Questioning Church Doctrine
Those Who Pray Indiana Jones Monasteries Become very important with combining intellectual ideas with religious Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) - Faith and Reason (Summa Theologica) - epistemology Indiana Jones
Conflict and Change Gregorian Revolution - Church against State 2. The Crusades - Christians against Muslims
The Gregorian Revolution 1070- 1085 Pope Gregory VII (1070-1085) Political authority of the papacy “freedom of the church” 2. Crisis of lay investiture - excommunication The basic question “Did the King have highest authority over everyone including the clergy, or did the Pope ?” Is that debate still alive today? Stem cell research - the clergy and the sex abuse cases