JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD The First 6 Seals 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Horse The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 3 rd Seal 2 nd Seal BLACK HORSE Rev6:3,4 Daily Last 2300 Days Taken Birthpangs THEENDT IMES THE CROSS OF CHRISTTHE CROSS OF CHRIST CHRIST Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals These believers realize that what most Endtime teachers taught was not true.Birthpangs Of the Manchild They know They know that being caught up in a rapture before the Great Tribulation is false!! Book of Revelation Chart Book of Revelation Chart Daniel 8:11-15 Daily vision of the daily Yea, he magnified himself to the prince of the host, & by him the daily was taken away and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. A host was given him against the Daily by reason of transgression. How long shall be the vision of the daily and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot!! 3 rd SEAL Last 2300 Days And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days 2300 Days AT Then shall the sanctuary (Jerusalem) be cleansed (Armies of man removed along with all unbelievers)!!! AT “The Day of the Lord”!!! Daniel 8:12-14 Agreement What Israel does next begins the Last 2300 Days of the Age of Man’s Rule on the planet EARTH!!! They make an agreement or covenant with Death to get the help of the US & UN against Islam! (Treaty) They agree to stop the Daily Sacrifice of Prayer at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem! 3nd SEAL Birthpangs Of the Manchild They pray that all ISRAEL will know who they are!! Birthpangs Of the Manchild They pray that Ephraim and Judah will reunite in the Messiah Birthpangs Of the Manchild Persecution of Christians is increasing Agreement United Nations Pressure from the United Nations, causes the secular Israeli government to place their trust in it, instead of the one true God of their forefather Abraham, whose name isYAHWAH 3 rd Seal
Last 2300 Days THE ABOMINATION THAT MAKETH DESOLATE And arms (armies) shall stand on his Part and they shall pollute The sanctuary of strength And shall take away the Daily sacrifice, and they Shall place THE ABOMINATION THAT MAKETH DESOLATE!!! Daniel 8:12-14 And now You know what Witholdeth that he might Be revealed in his time 11 Thess 2:3-5 THE DAILY SACRIFICE Of PRAYER The First 6 Seals 1 st 2 nd 3 rd HorseTHEENDT IMES 2 nd Seal BLACK HORSE Rev6:3,4 Daily Last 2300 Days Taken Birthpangs The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 3 rd SEAL THE CROSS OF THE CROSS OF Book of Revelation Chart Book of Revelation Chart CHRIST CHRIST BABYLON Will you flee out of the midst of BABYLON and save yourself from the plagues coming upon HER!