Snow Leopard the fight for survival By Jason McNeary
Common name and scintific Snow leopard is common name Uncia uncia is the scientific name
Steppe shrub Mountains Open forest Central and South Asia Habitat
Diet Carnivore Blue sheep Tibet Mountian ibex Marmots Hares Gaming birds
living requirements They stay in area for several day then move sever miles Cold mountian area
size 4 to 5 ft. Weighs 60 to 120 pounds
reproduction Mating starts in late winter 1 to 5 cubs are born 90 to 100 days later
About Solitary animals Tail used for keeping it warm and for balance China has about 60% of the population living there Can leap up to 30 feet
population There are a estimate of 3500 to 7000 left in the wild
Reasons for endangerments Pocaching Loss of pray Lack of effective protection Loss of habitat
Question 1. Snow leopard are mostly located at in what country? 2.List 2 reason why the snow leopard is facing extinction. 3. How many cub can a snow leopard have? long can a snow leopard get? 5. List 2 thing the snow leopard eats.
Web Sites “snow leopard Fact sheet” Snow Leopard Trust. Web. March 29, 2011. sheet.pdf. “snow leopard.” Defenders of Wildlife. 2011.web. March 29, 2011