Water Framework Directive Directive 2000/60/EC Intercalibration for coastal and transitional waters Wendy Bonne JRC.


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Presentation transcript:

Water Framework Directive Directive 2000/60/EC Intercalibration for coastal and transitional waters Wendy Bonne JRC

Coastal and transitional waters Presentation = fact sheets for each important topic in the intercalibration process Milestone report 1 = crucial to understand development and reality in the GIGs, also for the COAST coordinator, to set priorities Worries emerging from reports and way forward COAST coordinator homework – MS homework – WISER homework

IC organisation GIG / BQE / IC groups Baltic Sea DK Henning Karup NEA UK Peter Holmes MED IT CW:Anna Maria Cicero TW: Franco Giovanardi Black Sea RO Virginia Schroder + Ramona Bercea Phytoplankton ? Angiosperms ? Fish fauna ? Macrobenthic Invertebr. ? Macroalgae ? Ramona Bercea Kristina Dencheva ? BU Snejana Moncheva CW: IT Luisa Mangialajo TW: GR Sotiris Orfanidis ES Javier Romero CW: IT Adriana Giangrande TW: IT Alberto Basset FR Mario Lepage CW: HR Robert Precali / TW: ES Julio González del Río Rams DK Dorte Krause- Jensen ES José A. Juanes + FR Patrick Dion PT João M. Neto + Rui Santos ES Angel Borja UK Steve Coates UK Mike Best DK Karsten Dahl ? DE Torsten Berg IC ? Ramona Bercea Kristina Dencheva RO Virginia Schroder MED TW Steering Comm Represen- tative from each MS: GR, IT, FR, ES for the moment

Member States’ participation Baltic Sea NEAMED Black Sea Phytoplankton Angiosperms Fish fauna Macrobenthic Invertebrates Macroalgae Malta missing, IT not active No participa- tion Portugal outside PT No country taking lead IC ? LV, PO, LI Malta missing Ireland not active yet Contact Romania not known No experts yet Activity ? Malta missing Spain difficult + Italy NOT: finances Ireland not active yet Meeting activity FI+ LI problem Contact Bulgaria not known Activity ? ? Ireland not active yet

Intercalibration organisation problems – GIG / BQE / IC groups Problem of lack of BQE leads Way forward for the moment from COAST coordinator: Expert contact list update of 4 GIGs: about 250 experts in total – contact your colleagues for problem solving Exchange contact list + cross-GIG overview + method description structure with WISER experts Better Black Sea contact establishment in their next meeting + MED steering committee meeting Read the Milestone report of your BQE in other GIGs - cross-GIG overview ! But this is not sufficient to efficiently guide the process COAST meeting in January 2010: proposals for BQE leads Phytoplankton is in highest need of cross-GIG exchange !

Information provision contained mainly planning Baltic Sea NEAMEDBlack Sea Phytoplankton ? Angiosperms ? Fish fauna ? Macrobenthic Invertebrates ? Macroalgae ? silence IC ? silence OK detailed No further action planned OK detailed OK detailed OK detailed No sufficient detail No sufficient detail No sufficient detail OK detailed OK detailed OK detailed OK detailed OK

IC Commission Decision Coastal Waters Phytoplankton Angiosperms Fish fauna Macrobenthic Invertebrates Macroalgae Baltic Sea 8MS NEA 10 MS + NO MED 7MS Black Sea 2MS 4 of 7 MS2 of 8 MS 6 of 8 MS 2 of 7 MS All 10 MS + NO 10 MS +NO 8 of 10 MS 2 MS 6 of 9 MS 5 of 7 MS 4 of 9 MS 6 of 7 MS

Baltic Sea 8MS NEA 10 MS + NO MED 7MS+HR + GIB Black Sea 2MS Phytoplankton Blooms/ Composition Angiosperms Fish fauna Macrobenthic Invertebrates Macroalgae Assessment method availability NO, Planned, proper transects jointly selected RO, BU ? Methods known for all 8 MS, DK no TW NO, Planned, proper transects jointly selected Under develop- ment in MS separately, Try- out of metrics, List to compile NO, under development, Try-out of metrics CW+TW: NO, under develop- ment, Try-out of metrics, List compiled NO, under development, Try-out of metrics CW OK 5 of 7 MS, + under develop- ment hard bottom TW: GR, ES, IT, FR 1 or 2 methods No further action planned FR OK No methods for ES, IT, GR LV, PO, LI ? TW Methods by Jan-Feb 2010 info 6 of 8 MS methods, over- view available, to refine in WISER quest. 4 of 8 MS have metrics, overview available, to refine in WISER All 8 MS metrics, 4 all parameters, overview availa- ble, Try-out common metrics CW+TW: NO, under develop- ment, List compiled TW CW: 5 of 7 MS TW: NO, under development, List to compile CW: 4 of 7 MS TW: NO, under development, List to compile

Assessment method lack / development problems MS have not developed lacking methods during the last 6 years MS will maybe demonstrate that some of them are impossible to assess in a meaningful way What is the truth ? Expected from WISER experts (with support of experience of IC Steering Committee) to provide independent demonstration/ opinion on method development feasibility If confirmed, jointly with IC Panel, accepted as final result for IC If not, MS will experience some pressure to accept a simple common metric proposal from WISER, until a more refined method is worked out (update of IC Commission Decision with sufficient scientific progress/new development)

Baltic Sea NEAMED Black Sea Phytoplankton Angiosperms Fish fauna Macrobenthic Invertebrates Macroalgae YES 2 workshops + 1 Oct 09 Common sampling ? YES started Methods description worked out to check compliance Only for biomass (total biovolume) WFD compliance ? NO further action planned YES started Methods hardly WFD compatib- le, FR broader applicable CW + TW: NO action planned TW: YES, Planned for Jan-Feb 2009 CW YES, DE, DK, SE, FI, EE started, check different sensitivity CW YES, started CW + TW: YES, to be started CW + TW: YES, to be started Silence Compliance of 1 st phase planned Discussion next meeting No plans yet

Typology Baltic Sea NEAMED Black Sea Phytoplankton Angiosperms Fish fauna Macrobenthic Invertebrates Hard substrate ? Macroalgae 1 type, none to be added ? CW: subdivision considered TW: list common types by end October 2009 Typology prepared, decision next meeting ? 1 type, none to be added 1 type, none to be added CW: no revision planned TW: Preparation made, decision to be taken CW: current typology, revi- sion considered in 2010 CW: no revision planned TW: Preparation made, decision to be taken by Oct CW: subdivision considered like phytoplankton + hard bottom TW: list by Oct09 Coastal/ transitional WB designation issues No further action planned CW: maybe new type considered CW: typology being refined CW: no subdivision TW: list common types by end October 2009 CW: subject to debate TW: list common types by end October 2009 Redefinition of typology

Typology problems Coastal waters or transitional waters category for fish: distinction between two categories not always clear Response from Member States for transitional waters needed Hard substrate considerations – intertidal/subtidal Problem lack of BQE leads for BQE specific sub-typology COAST meeting in January 2010: typology propositions will have to be presented Matches with reference conditions (reported in assessment methods overview) have to be checked!

Pressures Baltic Sea NEAMED Black Sea Phytoplankton Angiosperms Fish fauna Macrobenthic Invertebrates Hard substrate ? Macroalgae ? Very different data in relation to pressures ? No further action planned Not commonly evaluated, FR in relation to land use cover GIS Eutrophication/ general degrad Check species sensitivity classification Organic enrichment Eutrophi- cation Lacking data hazardous subst., hydro- morphology Eutrophication Only DK method tested CW + TW: YES, to be started CW + TW: YES, to be started Eutrophication General degradation: BSP ? Improve dose/response analysis eutrophication Eutrophication Vague on BSP Organic enrichment, hazard. subst. / General degradation Same pressures, but which ones ? Eutrophication

Reference conditions Baltic Sea NEAMED Black Sea Phytoplankton Blooms/Composition Angiosperms Fish fauna Macrobenthic Invertebrates Macroalgae ? IC ? CW: Ref sites TW: Common understanding by Nov 09 No further action planned No compari- son due to different sampling Planned After finishing methods No plans yet for detail TW: ref cond/ benchmark with common dataset Oct 09 General consideration No plans yet for detail Only for biomass (total biovolume) CW + TW: YES, to be started CW + TW: YES, to be started General consideration No plans yet for detail CW: Ref sites TW: Common understanding by Nov 09 CW: debate TW: Common understanding by Nov 09 CW: Ref cond TW: Common understanding by Nov 09 No plans yet CW + TW: YES, to be started

Reference conditions How to control all the different situations on reference conditions definitions? More detailed overview state-of-the-art by November 2009 based on technical report and received information of the 1 st round of intercalibration This will be supplemented by the WISER methods’ information compilation + additional questions to the GIGs (some advice is always welcome for this, like from WG RC 5 nov. 2009) Clear weaknesses have to be highlighted Link with reference conditions in rivers: downstream – upstream consistency Way forward

Compliance and reference conditions problems COAST meeting in January 2010: overview of reference conditions for compliance checking will be presented Typology correspondence with reference conditions has to be checked! Comparison of reference conditions is necessary (even if you use completely different methods in option 3, a common understanding on reference conditions should be agreed, also for fish) Alien species: some coastal water community assessment methods (macrobenthic invert. fauna, macroalgae) include significant impact of alien species assessment (if aliens absent in reference) – comparison of outcome with methods that do not is needed Consistency with and joint efforts with Marine Strategy Framework Directive !!!

Baltic Sea NEAMED Black Sea Phytoplankton Angiosperms Fish fauna Macrobenthic Invertebrates Macroalgae YES planned by end Oct 2009, metadata being collected YES TW: planned for Oct 2009 YES IC Common field sampling Weser – dataset in FR by Dec 09 ? NO MS datasets, common metadata set to be discussed NO, MS datasets + common meta- data, possible IC sites to define Common dataset development YES planned, proper sample transects jointly selected ? YES planned efforts to collect data No further action planned YES, IC Common field sampling in Mar Menor – 1 st data Oct09 + extra 2010 YES EE, LV + LT so far YES planned, no deadline given Not clear yet, metadata, IC selection YES planned, not started yet Not clear yet for total MED

IC option Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Phytoplankton Angiosperms Fish fauna Macrobenthic Invertebrates Macroalgae ? Option 3 ? (or 2) No further action planned Not known yet, option 2 considered Option (1or) 2 for biomass (biovolume) Option 1 considered Not known yet, option 2 considered Not known yet Option 2 Discussion next meeting Option 2 ? Option 1 considered Option 2

Meetings Baltic Sea Feb 2010 NEA Feb 2010 MED Steering Com Nov 09, GIG Feb 2010 Black Sea Nov 2009 ? Phytoplankton ? Angiosperms ? Fish fauna ? Macrobenthic Invertebrates ? Macroalgae ? ? ? ? ? ? 19 – 23 Oct 2009 Jan – Feb – 15 Oct 2009 Feb 2010 Nov 2009 Feb 2010 Jan – Feb 2010 ?

COAST coordinator homework and MS homework + Wiser homework COAST coordinator homework Facilitating communication between Member States Keep an eye on compliance – IC process Start with reference conditions overview Present your products in a nice structural way in the new technical report: also important as living document during the process, not only at the end Start with methods overview structure in correspondence with WISER questionnaire + reference conditions Shared information can prevent reinventing the wheel

MS homework Plan the date of your next GIG / BQE lead meetings to come to a fruitful exchange, also with the COAST coordinator, as was the case in the Baltic Sea GIG Take care of the WISER questionnaire for methods overview + questions for review of reference conditions High expectations for february 2010 At COAST meeting in January 2010 MS will have to present: TW Typology (revision for CW) propositions CW and TW Methods overview CW and TW Compiled common datasets Candidates for BQE leads to support cross-GIG consistency

WISER homework At COAST meeting in January 2010 WISER to present Their gathered datasets Their views on development of common metrics and their compliance with WFD

Consider methods of your neighbour when you don’t have one: this is maybe the only exam in your life where copying from your neighbour is allowed if your neighbour is happy with that I am not able to solve your problems ! But I will support you in finding a way for problem solving Everyone has its role, so please take it up Thanks for your cooperation to try to make the puzzle without becoming puzzled yourself