Interior Design Final Project Assign design teams and scenarios Field Trip – December 2, 2009 –Permission Form – Due Monday,Nov. 29 th –Place – Lowe’s, Haverty’s, Food Court –Purpose – Get design ideas and “purchases” –Money - $5 - $10 depending on lunch –Punctuality – 5 pt deduction every time you are late. –Representation & Behavior – 5 pt deduction each time you have to be redirect or asked to join the group.
Field Trip Expectations Grade for field trip will be based on: –Punctuality each time we gather. 5 points deducted for every minute you are late. –Actively listening – Not talking while associate is talking. –Asking and answering questions –Examining the examples shown – not sitting back away from the group. –Gathering materials, pictures and examples –Politeness toward the Haverty’s & Lowe’s personnel
Brochure Front Company Name Logo Creative Relevant to company name Eye Catching Easy to Read 3 Sections Inside Mission Statement Specialties Designers’ backgrounds Schools Degrees Certifications Years of experience Back Up to you
Brochure Requirements
Project Presentation & Display Board –Analyze the scenario –Identify the concerns –Design a plan – Theme Wall Covering Floor Covering Window Treatments Furniture Appliances Accessories Color Scheme Reallocation of Space –Action: What you plan to do. Gather/collect samples and swatches Redraw floor plan if necessary. Assemble display board Present your design to the client See FCCLA Planning Process for guideline/example.
Front Everything on board must be mounted on black paper or a color that matches the color scheme. Design Name – Theme Name Scale Drawing (½” or 1” scale) of space you have designed Scale Drawing of furniture/appliances Samples are mounted in an orderly fashion No glue smudges or bulges. No eraser marks. Company logo with name See Examples on next 2 slides. Project Board Requirements
Design Name Scale Drawing of Redesigned Room & Furniture Sample Business Logo Sample
Design Name Furniture Accessories Flooring Business Logo Appliances/ Electronics Walls Window Color Scheme Scale Drawing of Redesigned Room & Furniture
Back Company Name Employee Names Scenario Original floor plan with space highlighted that you were asked to work on. Spending Records/Budget Mounted. See example on next slide Project Board Requirements
Employee One Employee Two Employee Three Company Name Scenario Original Floor Plan Spending Records /Budget
Presentation to Client Client will be a staff member All team members must present an equal amount of the presentation. Be professional –Speech –Dress –Appearance Demonstrate understanding of the client’s wishes. Create a clear image of your design. Enthusiasm Be the interior decorator/designer for the day.
Follow Up –What resources did you use to complete the project? –What did you enjoy the most about the project? –What was the most difficult part of the project? –If you could change any part of the project, what would it be and how would you change it? –What was the most memorable thing you’ve learned while working on this final project?
Rate your final project from 1 (not very good) -5 (over the top-Outstanding) Colorful and creative display board Neatness of the display board. On task and use of class time Presentation to client
Classroom Participation Offers quality ideas and suggestions Occasionally offers ideas & suggestions Seldom offers ideas & suggestions Offers inappropriate ideas & suggestions No ideas or suggestions are given. Supportive of others’ ideas. Occasionally supportive of others’ ideas Seldom supportive of others’ ideas Not supportive of other’s ideas Makes fun of others’ ideas Always prepared with materials Occasionally prepared with materials Seldom prepared with materials Loses or forgets materials often Never has materials Jumps in and helps with assembly and research Has to be told what to do but will willing help with assembly and research Has to be told or encouraged more than once to help with assembly and research Works with supplies but not on the actual project Visits with others and doesn’t work CONFIDENTIAL assessment of group members on the final project. Based on the descriptions in the table below, rate each of your group members individually based on their effort to help with the project Place the number which best illustrates their contribution in the space beside their names at the top. *This is your chance to let me know if the project is a team effort or if it has become an individual project. Your Name: ______________________ Date ___________ Member’s Name: _____________________ score______
Semester Final Project Final Grade Tally Participation 40% Presentation 20% Display Board 40 % Participation ____________ Presentation ____________ Display Board ______________ Final Grade _______________________