Simple Clicker App WPF App using C#
App Requirement Need a ‘counter’ display, which starts at 0 Need a ‘clicker’ button ! Pressing the clicker every time should increment the counter by 1 ! How do we create this simple app ??
Click ‘New Project’
Choose ‘WPF Application’ template and click ‘ok’
Empty WPF Application Created !
Choose & drag a ‘button’ onto the app window
App now contains a button !
Drag a TextBlock onto the app window
App now has a TextBlock too
Change button label/text to ‘Click’
Change TextBlock text to ‘0’
Double click on the button to generate ‘button click’ handler method !
Write code for the ‘button click’ event handler method
Click app window corner and drag to resize as required
Resize TextBlock and change Font Size to 28
Save All and Run program !