Probing the new physics heavy bosons at LHC In collaboration with Shou-Shan Bao, Xue Gong, Shi-Yuan Li, Zong-Guo Si and Yu-Feng Zhou Hong-Lei Li 2011-12-31.


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Presentation transcript:

Probing the new physics heavy bosons at LHC In collaboration with Shou-Shan Bao, Xue Gong, Shi-Yuan Li, Zong-Guo Si and Yu-Feng Zhou Hong-Lei Li

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Outline Introduction. property with interaction. property in associated production. property with interaction. Summary. Phys.Rev.D83,115001,2011. arXiv: hep-ph/ Preparing.

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Introduction Beyond SM, Supersymmetry, Extra dimension, Left-right symmetry, Little Higgs, Two Higgs doublet …… SM problems, Higgs, Hierarchy problem, CP violation, Neutrino oscillation, Matter–antimatter asymmetry …… Superparticles, KK particles, W’, Z’, Higgs ……

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 W’ physics Resonance Production (pp->W’), Associated production (W’H, W’Z, W’t, etc.). Mass constraint (~TeV), Tevatron, K-meson mass mixing, CP-violation, Low energy experiment. W’ investigation Phys.Rev.D82,115020,2010 Leptonic decay W’->lv (golden modes), Hadronic decay W’->tb, chirality. Another interesting channel W’->WH.

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 The chirality of W’ can be studied in W’WH interaction. In general theories, W’ ~. In the left-right symmetric model, W’ ~ and. In SM, W ~. W’ physics

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Left-right symmetric model Quarks and leptons: J. C. Pati, A. Salam, R. N. Mohapatra, G. Senjanovic, etc. Charged vectors:, Higgs sector: one Higgs bi-doublet, two Higgs triplets for the minimal LRSM. W’ physics

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 ~ ~ The charged lepton momentum in the W rest frame. The quark momentum in the Center of mass system. R L W’ physics

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 The cross section distribution with and W’ physics

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 L+SM R+SM SM For A dip in the region Resonance peak at, W’ physics

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Cut-I: Cut-II: Reconstruct the whole system, W’ physics

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 W’ physics

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Z’ physics Extra U(1) gauge group  Z’, SM Z-boson interactions: Z’ couplings can be correlated to the Z boson via Z’ZH interaction.

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Z’ physics

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Z’ physics The charged lepton momentum in Z boson rest frame. P The momentum of the final system.

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Z’ physics r=0.1r=0.5 r=1 r=5

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Z’ physics The following works: Detector simulation. Suppress the backgrounds: Characteristic quantity.

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Charged Higgs physics Details in Gong’s report. Once a heavy resonance is detected, what is it? scalar – angular independent W’ vector – angular dependent

Www Hong-Lei Li 2011/12/31 Summary We have investigated the productions of W’, Z’ and charged Higgs at LHC. The appropriate decay modes are chosen to stress the signal and suppress the backgrounds. Some characteristic quantities are employed to discriminate different models or identify scalar particles from vector ones.

Back up:


Higgs sector, one Higgs bi-doublet,,, Two Higgs triplets for the minimal LRSM,