Why use WIN It prepares you for the WorkKeys portion of the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) Fulfills 4 th related math credit for BMA 90% of students score the same on WorkKeys as they do in WIN Students must use it 30 minutes each week!
How does WIN work? Must pass each test with at least 80% accuracy 80% accuracy would be 4 out 5 questions Take the time to read all parts of the question before answering
How to take first test? Once you log in you will be asked to take the first test. You must pass the first test with 80% to move to the next test. This program does not allow you to start over, so please take your time and be serious about completing it!
First Test Take your time and do the best you can! If you pass one test, it will take you to the next test. There are seven tests total. If you don’t pass the test, you will have to work your way through all the exercises before being allowed to take the test again.
Pace Yourself.. You must complete as much as you can the first day. Once you quit for the day, the program will place you at the level you stop at. There are no second chances in this program to retest! So take your time. It is better to take the time and really read the question before answering because once you fall below 80% you will be stuck at that level.
How to Log Out Each time you finish use the quit option in the lower right corner Don’t close internet browser by clicking the red X in top right corner. If you click the red X you will lose all the time you earned that day Once again - Click Quit not X
How to Log In - Resume not Restart Hit the Resume button NOT the Restart Button Resume starts you where you left off last time Restart takes you all the way back to the beginning
First Time First time is for testing purposes only. Placement tests can only be done on the first day during the first session. Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!