Dominik Pastier & Štefan Kubini I. B Saturn Dominik Pastier & Štefan Kubini I. B
Information about Saturn Semi - major axis 9,6 AU Moons Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Japetus, Phoebe and 51 small Equatorial diamer 120 536 km Polar diamer 108 728 km Mass 5 684 600*1020 kg Mean density 687 kg/m3 Surface temperature 134 K Saturn is sixth planet It is the second largest planet in solar system Saturn is classified as a gas giant It is composed of hydrogen, with small proportions of helium It has wide rings and sixty discoveried moons
Rings of Saturn Saturn has got some rings Its rings are the brightest in the solar system There are eight rings with divisions
Moons of Saturn Saturn has got 60 moons, but loats of this is very small The largest moon is Titan, it is the second largest moon in solar system Titan has a dense atmosphery
Späť na úvodnú prezentáciu Questions How many moons has Saturn? Saturn is the .......... largest planet in solar system. What is the second largest moon in solar system? Späť na úvodnú prezentáciu