Members Update ED- DPG Retreat Kiboko Palace Hotel,Arusha January,2011
WORLD BANK: Programme and Projects (ZBEIP) 1.Zanzibar Basic Education Improvement Project. Aproved in March1,2007 A Six years project A credit of US$42 The development project objective is to improve completion of Lower secondary Education with successful performance among students.
ZBEIP Continue The project has 2 components Component 1; Increase enrolment and Improved quality in Secondary Education through provision of infrastructures ( US$31.1 million) Component 2; Improved quality of education through teachers training, curriculum reform, and provision of Learning Materials (US$12.1 million)
World Bank support in Education - continue 2.Secondary Education Development Programme SEDP II A five years project The project development objective is to Improve the Quality of Secondary Education with focus on underserved areas. The project has 4 components Component 1; Upgrading of infrastructure (Total estimated cost US$ 270.5, IDA share US$ 78.3 million
SEDP II Continue Component 2. Improving the equitable provision of teachers and quality of teaching in mathematics, science and Languages (Total estimated cost US$ 27.1 million, IDA share US$ 27.1million ) Component 3. Ensuring financing to secondary schools and improving utilization of resources(languages(Total estimated cost US$164.9, IDA share US$ 37.8 million)
SEDP II continue Component 4. Providing capacity building and Technical Assistance to Implementation of Reforms resources(Total estimated cost US$6.8, IDA share US$ 6.88 million)
3. Science and Technology and Higher Education Project.(STHEP) A five Years Project, 2008 – 2013 IDA credit of US$ 100 Million The project development project objective is to increase the quantity and quality of higher education graduates, with special emphases on science, technology and education, through an improved learning environment. The project has 4 components
STHEP continue Component 1.Investment in priority disciplines for economic growth (US$47.3millon) Component 2. Expanding capacity of teachers preparations and for graduate students in education (US$35million)
STHEP cont. Component 3. Strengthening key higher education agencies and institutions. (US48.5million) Component 4. Investment in system wide ICT AND Libraries (US$7million)
WB Priorities 2011 Follow up and support implementation of on going projects Support implementation of various reforms in Education Initiate Appraisals and negotiations for APL2
WB Challenges and expertise Slow project implementations Expertise. Technical Assistance on Higher Education financing modalities Technical Assistance on ICT strategy development( IT/BPO) in Tanzania. Technical Assistance ECD.