Teaching Experience and Qualifications
Associate of Arts Degree - Oakland Community College Bachelor of Science Degree - University of Utah Elementary Education Major Mathematics Minor
4 th / 5 th grade split Full year - August through May Open classroom Student choice Parent involvement - required to put in three hours per week in the classroom Small discussion groups
Teacher in Utah public schools for 4 years One year as a 6 th grade teacher - all subjects Three years as a 4 th grade teacher
Two years in Troy School District - all subjects, all grades Ability to follow lesson plans Adaptable to different situations Teach a wide range of subjects
Michigan Provisional Utah Level 2 (Professional)
Utah Behavior Initiative - Developed a school- wide, consistent positive behavior plan Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics - Two-day workshop (attended twice) Utah Core Academy - Five-day workshop on how to better teach math and science (attended three times)
4 th grade Head Teacher for two years Collaboration facilitator for a five-school group of 4th grade teachers (Similar to PLC) Top 5% Praxis II National Teaching Test (Content Test) Increased percent proficient on 4 th grade Science Criterion Referenced Test from 58% proficient to 83% proficient in one year
Good rapport with students Experience in classroom Good behavior management Excellent assessment skills Broad knowledge base Fast learner and easily assimilates to different classroom environments