Homeroom Mrs. Angel Graham-Room 21 Ms. Maya Jones-Room 22 Mrs. Mary Ann Kuzan-Room 23 Ms. Maya Jones Language Arts Mrs. Graham Social Studies Religion Mrs. Kuzan Science Mrs. Burns Math
Topics Animals Plants Electricity Magnetism Lab
Confirmation The Mass Saints Prayer The Bible Little Buddies
Catholic Worker We donate socks, underwear, toiletries, etc. Holiday cards, prayers, etc. Focus on service to others H.O.P.E Lunches / Gym We Need Your Help!
Map Skills Government World Geography Study of Canada, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America Project: Research and Communication Skills Study Skills Critical Thinking Skills
90 minute class period Spelling, grammar, vocabulary Reading and Writing Workshop Google Docs Quizlet Fountas & Pinnell reading level JRB Writer’s Notebook Class novels and literature groups POST-ITS: importance of annotating text
8:05-8:20Homeroom 8:20-9:15Section I / 1 st Half 9:15-10:00Section I/2 nd Half 10:00-10:45Section II/1 st Half 10:45-11:30Specials 11:30-12:15 Section II/2 nd Half 12:15-1:00 Recess/Lunch 1:00-1:20Study in homeroom 1:20-2:05Section III/ 1 st Half 2:05-2:50 Section III/2 nd Half
Classrooms are peanut/nut free at snack time, lunch time and holiday or special celebrations. This includes all extracurriculur after school activities. This means: Absolutely no food that contains nuts in any form! Please read labels and ingredients before bringing it to school. Thank you so much on behalf of the children with nut allergies.
Mr. Derewicz updates the school calendar on sports cancellations and also update the hotline for those without online ability. Hotline is: , press 6 and then 1. Please let your child know what they should do after school in the event of a practice or game day cancellation and that you will check and know that the event has been canceled.
Being on Time – 8:00 a.m.; Marked Late: 8:10 WMA Student Handbook: nload/get/file/ / WMA+Parent+and+Student+handbook.pdf Fifth Grade Fast Facts: ademy/Grade5/photo7.aspx Labeling Gym Uniforms, Sports Clothing, School Bags, Lunch Bags, Hats, Gloves, Shoes, Sweaters, and all stationery items. Teacher Communication:
Field Trips Outreach Projects H.O.P.E Lunches Luncheon Holiday Activities Guest Lecturers End of Year Picnic
Teacher Communication Field Trips You will receive notice well in advance of the trip. Please check your child’s take- home folder for this information.