Activity Orders Bedrest –stay in bed at all times –restriction may vary CBR –get clarification –transport by stretcher BR with BRP –bedrest with bathroom privileges –toileting needs only Chair –frequency is written
Activity Orders Amb. with Asst. –amb = ambulate –need to be with the patient –progressively increase the length of the walk –focus on safety Amb. Ad lib –patient may ambulate anywhere and as often as he wants –no assistance is needed
Positions in Bed Fowler’s position Semi-fowler’s position Supine position Prone position Lateral position –side lying Sims’s position Trendelenburg position
Changing the Patient’s Position Contributes to the patient’s comfort Relieves pressure on various parts of body Helps prevent formation of contractures or deformities Improves circulation
Using Good Body Mechanics Means you move and position your body to prevent injury when doing a task Prevents fatigue when doing physical work Helps to prevent injury by using the largest and strongest muscles for moving and lifting Keeps body in balance to reduce chance of injury
Patient Positioning Principles Make sure the patient’s body is in good alignment –all body parts are positioned in normal relation to one another –lower arm should not be trapped –support higher arm on pillow –place pillow between knees –pillow at back
Patient Positioning Principles Support body parts to promote comfort and to prevent undue muscle strain –supportive aids pillows hand rolls trochanter roll abduction pillow footboard
Patient Positioning Principles Change the patient’s position at least every two hours –helps heart and lungs to work normally –provides needed stimulation –helps to prevent pressure sores
Patient Positioning Principles Use protective aids to reduce pressure caused by body weight on another object –Firstep mattress (by KCI) –gel mattress –alternating pressure mattress
Every Time You Position a Patient Use good body mechanics Explain what you are going to do –even to unconscious patient Watch for signs of complications Be very gentle Use turning sheet Observe safety measures