Peer Support A personal development course for New Zealand secondary school pupils
What is Peer Support? The Peer Support Programme is a personal development programme for secondary students Senior students are trained to take leadership roles Younger student develop the confidence to interact with their peers in positive ways
Peer Support aims to: Raise the self esteem and confidence of young people at a time when they may be vulnerable Help young students develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to interact in positive ways Build a network of personal support for young people in the school
Why offer Peer Support? Young students can feel vulnerable during the transition to secondary school. They need to: build their confidence Develop new relationships and a sense of belonging Become familiar with demands of a new learning environment
Peer Support helps build a positive school environment by: Developing students’ communication and relationship skills Providing opportunities for students to learn about each other, their similarities and differences Building relationships that help them through the transition to secondary school
The aims for Year 9 students: To help Year 9 students adapt to a new school environment by providing: a safe environment where they can develop the skills to look after themselves and each other Opportunities to relate to each other, establish friendships with their peers and senior students Contact with senior students who can help them deal with issues during their first year a secondary school Contact with positive role models
The aims for Senior Students: To develop facilitation, communication and leadership skills in senior students by providing: a structure provides contact with younger students, allowing mentor and coaching relationships to develop practical experience, resources and support to develop skills in communication, planning, facilitation, self management and management of groups activities that explore the culture of groups and individuals, extending their talents and abilities opportunities to accept responsibility, providing guidance and support to younger students opportunities to play a full and active role within the school community
Aims for the School teachers establish rapport with senior students senior students gain an understanding and respect for the teachers role. barriers between senior and junior students are broken down there is a climate of respect for differences the school environment becomes safer, more friendly and conductive to learning for all students
How does the programme work? teachers who run the programme attend a two day training programme peer support teachers train senior students to lead small groups of junior students weekly peer support activities and discussions are scheduled as part of the school curriculum activities include core topics
The core topics ► getting to know you ► self awareness ► orientation to the school ► values ► building the group ► cooperation ► understanding cultures ► bullying ► Peer pressure ► communication
How is Rotary involved? Programme introduced by Rotary in 1985 Rotary persuaded, encouraged, gained financial support Peer Support Trust sponsored by Rotary Trust works through district committees, that link with schools and Rotary Clubs In 74% of secondary schools 8,000 senior students trained in leadership annually
How can your club assist? Assist schools in the programme with funding Arrange a speaker to explain the programme to schools who are not involved in the programme Invite the Peer Support Coordinator to explain the programme to your club Invite businesses to sponsor funds Publicise Peer Support programme