Year 7-10 E-Learning in Languages (ELL) Teacher Reports Suggested framework and questions for teachers to report their findings
Teacher Name School Name Postal Address or Address: GST number
What is the context for your research? Include information about the demographics of your school and the teacher and students who participated in this research. Also include information about the language studied and details of the course the students are following.
Inquiry topic a)What kind of e-learning or use of ICT did you pursue and why did you choose it? How did you use student voice to inform this decision-making? What research or theoretical base did you use to underpin your decision?
Inquiry topic b) What was the improvement in student learning in languages that you wanted to achieve and what evidence did you have to decide that this was important for the students in your class? What research or theoretical base did you use to underpin your decision?
Focus Question What was your focus question? (This needs to be narrow enough to allow you to collect data to demonstrate an impact on the achievement of your students)
How did you go about answering the focus question? This includes: What you introduced, changed or tried out in your teaching How you collected your data on student achievement: baseline, progress and endpoint How you analysed the data You might also include any strategies you used to specifically address the learning needs of Maori and Pasifika students, underpinned by Ka Hikitia or the Pasifika Education Plan
What did you find? What shifts have you observed in your students’ learning? Were you able to answer your focus question and if so what was the answer? What were the results of your research? Is data available that shows a specific impact on the achievement of your students?
What is the significance of what you found? Based on your findings, how might this inquiry into your practice influence your future teaching?
What shifts have you observed in your own learning? Thinking back to the beginning of this project, how has your own learning shifted / improved in the following areas: Use of e-learning in the context of learning languages Using a teaching as inquiry cyclical style of professional learning 2 nd language acquisition research Intercultural language learning and teaching Engagement with the New Zealand Curriculum Any other areas you’d like to mention
Reporting How might you share your findings with a larger audience?
References Please list any references you used during the course of your project and in writing this report
Use of this report Would you be willing for this report to be published on TKI? (The report would be edited to ensure teachers, students and the school were not identified if necessary) Signature