How Canyons are Formed By: Monte, Bryce, Madison, And Makayla 1
A Canyons formation Canyons are made by many different forces, like ice, water, and wind. In our experiment, we only showed the water's force against our "canyon." The Grand Canyon was formed by The Colorado River and wind, but the river did the most work, Because the river was weathering the rocks and the rocks broke down. And about 2 billions years the Grand Canyon was formed. 2 The picture explains how the Colorado river was at the top and broke down the rocks all the way to the bottom
Our Experiment We took three experimental videos so we could capture the results and the aftermath. This first video shows how The Grand Canyon was formed, and the other two were are experiments. We poured some dirt into a container and use some clay as the tunnel. Then we used a water bottle as the Colorado river and watch the progress. After two test we started getting progress, the water flowed right thru the dirt and flow under the dirt like a underground lake. 3
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