Sea-Floor CH 4 Prentice Hall p CH 4 Prentice Hall p Spreading
Harry Hess- American Geologist Proposed Sea-Floor Spreading – The process that continually adds new material to the ocean floor. – Occurs at the mid-ocean ridge, new material rises from the mantle and erupts. The molten material spreads out pushing older rock to the side. Sea-Floor Spreading CD Rift Evidence
Occurs at the mid-ocean ridge, new material rises from the mantle and erupts. The molten material spreads out pushing older rock to the side. Sea-Floor Spreading CD Rift Evidence
1900’s Scientists Mapped the Ocean Floor Used Sonar- a device that bounces sound waves off of underwater objects and records echoes of the sound waves. Climate Mapping the Ocean Floor
Climate Mapping the Ocean Floor Mapped the Mid-Ocean Ridge – East Pacific Rise – Mid-Atlantic Ridge Rift Valley, a central valley twice as deep as Grand Canyon
The Ocean Floor
Alvin- a submersible unit traveled to the central valley of the mid-ocean ridge. – Found Pillow Lava Indicates that new molten material has formed. It cooled quickly underwater Molten Material
Magnetic Reversals Earth has a Magnetic North and a South Pole The poles have reversed in the past. The reversals are recorded in the igneous rock. – Serve as a record of the magnetic field. CD Rift Evidence
Magnetic Reversals Basalt contains iron The bits of iron line up in the direction of the poles. When the rock hardens completely, the direction of the poles is recorded in the rock. – Permanent “magnetic memory” CD Rift Evidence
Glomar Challenger- A drilling Ship – Drilled through 6km of water. – Determined that the age of the rock was younger at the ridge and older away from the ridge. – Shows that sea floor spreading is taking place. Drilling the Ocean Floor CD Rift Evidence
Parts of the Ocean Floor CD Rift Evidence
Convection and Sea