Families with Multiple Problems Project April 2012
It’s all about… Giving families the tools and support they need to meet their own challenges… …and the resilience to conquer future challenges with less intervention Less cost to the public purse Making best use of time and resources
Key messages Start small and manageable Design – deliver – challenge – learn – grow - review cycle A system that suits East Sussex’s needs, not simply the Government requirements Family participation and frontline worker consultation essential parts of design Linking with key developments and projects (Thrive, MASH, Section 75, etc) Name of project under review!
Keyworking Service Management Services (all agencies) Intensive family keywork services Intensive keyworkers Family caseholders Keywork advisors Referral management and case allocation Screening, audit and interagency brokering Case management and keyworker supervision IT, case recording systems, monitoring and managing Workforce development Communication and participation Support and advice network Small grant fund MIXED-ECONOMY EMBEDDED KEYWORKER SERVICE MODEL KEY
Embedded Roles Intensive keyworkers Dedicated to intensive family work Fits profile for skills, experience, aptitude and commitment Limited caseload, longer-term involvement (typically months) Practical suppor t and intervention with families Committed to a model of working Consistent case and risk management support Family Caseholder As part of existing role working directly with families for a sustained period Coordinates and reviews the family plan and the team around the family Acts as contact person for family Allowed flexibility to support whole family as part of normal work Flexibility about duration of involvement when their service involvement ends Keywork Advisors Provides specialist advice and support to keyworkers and caseholders when they need support on specific issues Within a range of services from specialist to day-to-day Advises on whether / when to refer, and how to best manage issues whilst waiting for referrals Monitored and supported by central team – quarterly network meetings
Timeline Exploring the role of the keyworker and the caseholder and the skills, knowledge support and resources they will need March Preparing and training the first cohort of keyworkers, caseholders and advisors JuneAprilMay Conversations with participating organisations about capacity, potential and learning Planning the central management function JulySeptember 1st phase new service starts October ‘12
TFT’s Financial Framework We would be able to take part in the payment by results scheme when families have the following criteria: –Young people involved in crime and families involved in anti-social behaviour –Households affected by truancy or exclusion from school –Locally defined criteria (next slide) And also have an adult on out-of work benefits.
Local discretion filter For us to define, could include: Child protection More than three additional services Criminal activity Underlying health problems (including mental health, substance misuse) Teenage pregnancy Domestic abuse Any others?
Financial arrangements, per family: Average cost of intensive intervention £10,000 Payment by results £4,000 attachment fee 2012/13 80% £3,200 p/family 2013/14 60% £2, /15 40% £1,600
By 30 th April we need to: Commit to working with 1,015 families (846 of whom will be eligible for pbr), supporting the programme and finding a coordinator Propose the number of families we aim to start working with in 2012/13 (one-third = possible attachments fees of £900,000)
Next steps for East Sussex Continue to develop the local scheme Appoint coordinator and team, identify and train keyworkers Complete data analysis to find out who the families are and who we want to work with Work out the money – how much, who’s eligible, how much risk can we take and where should it be invested
Contact Celia Wilson, Integrated Working Manager Phone: or