Empowerment: ‘passing more and more power to more and more people through every practical means’ Communities in Control, 2008 Representative democracy still important but over past few years a real move towards Participative democracy. A range of the measures meant to redefine the relationship between Government, Local Authorities and the People, including Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs), Sustainable Communities Strategies and LAAs, National Indicators, NHS Trust Boards, petitions and The Duty to Involve. But people are still disengaged from politics. The Government feels this is because people feel powerless: hence the need for EMPOWERMENT.
Participating in Democracy: ‘shifting power, influence and responsibility away from existing centres of power and into the hands of communities and citizens.’ Communities in Control, 2008 Participatory budgeting – 22 LAs use it so far. All by New Duty to Promote Democracy on councils. Duty to involve extended from April Neighbourhood (Parish) Councils and right of appeal to Secretary of State. Petitions and the duty to respond
Participating in Democracy: There’s more……. Community Allowance. Community Leadership programmes for young people. Community engagement in planning - £4million to LAs to promote community involvement in planning. Support for directly elected mayors. OTS to provide £2million to support people with disabilities to volunteer.
Capacity Support: ‘The Third Sector also has a unique ability to articulate the views of citizens and drive change.’ Communities in Control, 2008 RIEPs and REPs to work closely together and RIEPs to prioritise empowerment and engagement The Empowerment Fund – over £1million turnover get £600,000 over 3 years, under £1million and over £400,00 gets £250,000 over 3 years. National Framework for Community Land Trusts. Asset Transfer Unit set up to make Advancing Assets programme permanent.
Communitybuilders Fund: ‘The objective of this policy is to develop a new model of support for community organisations that result in robust and sustainable community anchor organisations across England’ Government Impact Assessment of Communitybuilders policy, 2008 £70 million disbursed by agent to be appointed in Oct/Nov. BIG Lottery or Adventure Capital Fund (Futurebuidlers)? Government proposal: 70% loans, 30% grants. Up to £20,000 pre-investment support (194), up to £50,000 feasibility planning (131) and up to £750,000 investment (65). For aspirational organisations too. A demonstration programme.
Community Anchors ‘ Community Anchors ‘ Community anchors are independent community-led organisations. They are multi- purpose and provide holistic solutions to local problems and challenges, bringing out the best in people and agencies.’ Transformation through Community Anchors, The Community Alliance, 2007 Asset or premised based. Engaged in social enterprise but income still a ‘mixed economy’. Independent. Can be big or small – more about function than size. Probably have at least one staff member. Will be involved strongly in ‘Voice’ work – as representative or through facilitation. Is a community builder – will be involved in some form of community development work.
Next Steps: Consultation objectives for Community Matters and the Community Alliance. We will submit responses on both the White Paper and the Empowerment Fund. The Community Alliance will probably support the ACF bid, and bid to provide some of the support work within the programme, much as it does now with CAF and Advancing Assets. Community Matters has been asked to consult with CLG to produce guidance for LAs to encourage them to engage with the duty to promote democracy. We will push for LAs to recognise the need for the funding, support and voice of the community sector in order to deliver a thriving empowered community.
The Response: ‘The focus on the citizen’s relationship with the State, whilst no doubt important, deflects attention away from the importance of collective action in creating a healthy and vibrant democracy.’ Toby Blume, Urban Forum, Overall positive. There is much in here that Community Matters, The Community Alliance and other Third Sector groups welcome. However a lot will depend on the detail of implementation by Local Authorities and others. Most importantly there is real concern over heavy focus on individual citizens, civic as opposed to civil society, and representative democracy. Real empowerment requires the support of associational life for participative democracy.
Further Reading Community Matters for Advice Helpline details and other services including Community Magazine. uk uk Community Alliance for further info on Community Anchors. DTA for more on Asset Transfers Urban Forum for a good policy briefing on White Paper.