Spiders were everywhere…
and…Halloween was here at last!!! Great day!!! and…Halloween was here at last!!! Great day!!!
Everybody got ready for the costumes´contest…
There were even witches!! We were all so nervous because…
… only the winners would play “trick or treat”
…and these were the nine lucky winners!
They knocked on the doors…
And frightened teachers and students if they didn´t have any sweets…
Then they went to another classroom
Fortunatelly the headmaster had a few!!
And one more try…
Great!! More sweets for them!!
Don´t they look ghostly?
Here they went again!!!!!!!!!!
Trick or Treat!!!!!!!
Well done guys!!
3rd ESO students…terrific!!!
The festival started and Natalie, the kiwi teacher, told us about Hawolleen in New Zealand.
Then, Lucía, the festival conductor, explained that “Thriller” was about to begin…
Students and teachers danced over the stage!!
…cause it´s the thriller night…
Oh yeah!!!!!
They danced really very well…
After the dancing came the moment to know which were the best desguises…
…and the winner is…
Here it is!!!!
Big applause and then everybody went onstage to participate!
Thank you Leslie and Natalie
Thank you Lucía
Thank you Raquel
Thank you Lara and good luck!
Thank you very much
Thanks a lot Javi…and everyone else of course!!!
And don´t forget to come next year!! Byeeee…