आपके पास पैसा है? āpke pās paisā hai? Hindi 1: lesson 4a
आपके झोले में क्या है? āpke jhole mẽ kyā hai? What is in your bag? Move round the class room asking each other the question above.
आपके झोले में क्या है? āpke jhole mẽ kyā hai? In response the person should show something from their bag and say something like the following. मेरे झोले में किताब है। mere jhole mẽ kitāb hai.
Possession in Hindi No verb ‘have’ as in English ‘Transferable’ – ‘near’ the possessor दीपक के पास किताबें हैं। dīpak ke pās kitābẽ haĩ. Deepak has books. ‘Permanent’ – ‘of’ the possessor दीपक के तीन बच्चे हैं। dīpak ke tīn bacce haĩ. Deepak has three children.
मेरे पास mere pās* I have तेरे पास tere pās* you have इसके पास iske pās s/he has उसके पास uske pās s/he has हमारे पास hamāre pās* we have तुम्हारे पास tumhāre pās* you have आपके पास āpke pās you have इनके पास inke pās s/he, they have उनके पास unke pās s/he, they have के पास ke pās ‘near’ transferable possession
आपके पास क्या है? āpke pās kyā hai? Work in pairs. One person hides something behind their back and the other asks the question above. Then the person hiding something reveals it and says something like the following. मेरे पास नीली क़लम है। mere pās nīlī qalam hai.
क्या आपके पास मेरी क़लम है? kyā āpke pās merī qalam hai? Work in groups. Each person gives something to someone else who hands it on to a group member (and hides from you who they give it to). Then ask each other questions as above. Then who you ask says something like. मेरे पास आपकी क़लम है। mere pās āpkī qalam hai. मेरे पास आपकी क़लम नहीं है। mere pās āpkī qalam nahī hai.
का kā “‘s” permanent possession Family members and parts of the body are two main categories of permanent possessions. Relationship is show by them being ‘of’ the possessor. Indicated by the use of का kā which behaves like the adjective काला kālā काकेकी kākekī
आपके कितने भाई-बहन हैं? āpke kitne bhāi-bahen haĩ? Let’s describe our families! How many brothers and sisters do you have? You may need variations on these sentences. मेरे तीन भाई हैं । mere tīn bhāī haĩ. I have three brothers. मेरी दो बहनें हैं । merī do bahenẽ haĩ. I have two sisters. Write three or four sentences and be prepared to share with class.
Respect for elders For elder siblings - polite plural for younger siblings - singular मेरे एक बड़े भाई हैं। mere ek baṛe bhāī haĩ I have one elder brother. मेरा एक छोटा भाई है। merā ek choṭā bhāī hai. I have one younger brother. In case of no brother/sister. मेरे कोई भाई नहीं हैं। mere koī bhāi nahī haĩ. I don’t have any brother. मेरी कोई बहन नहीं है। merī koī bahan nahī hai. I don’t have any sister.
Possession by inanimate objects Inanimate objects can possess other inanimate objects by them being ‘in’ them. मेरी गाड़ी में चार दरवाज़े हैं । merī gāṛī mẽ cār darvāze haĩ. My car has four doors in it. मेरे घर में तीन कमरे हैं। mere ghar mẽ tīn kamre haĩ. My house has three rooms in it.
आपके घर में कितने कमरे हैं? āpke ghar mẽ kitne kamre haĩ? Let’s describe our homes. You will need some new Hindi vocabulary for rooms. सोने का कमरा sone kā kamrā, bedroom बैठक baiṭhak, sitting room रसोईघर rasoīghar, kitchen बैथरूम baithrūm, bathroom. Write three or four sentences and be prepared to share with class.