omniran ecsg 1 OmniRAN EC SG August 7 th, 2013 Conference Call Max Riegel (OmniRAN SG Chair)
omniran ecsg 2 Meeting Wednesday, August 7 th, 2013, 10:00-11:00 AM ET Conference Call: Call-in number: 1-(972) (US) Global numbers: Conference Code: # WebEX Meeting Number: Meeting Password: omniran NNmZiYTEyNjVi &PW= NNmZiYTEyNjVi
omniran ecsg 3 Guidelines for IEEE-SA Meetings l All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. l Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. l Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. l Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. l Technical considerations remain primary focus l Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. l Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. l Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. This slide set is available at
omniran ecsg 4 Resources – URLs Link to IEEE Disclosure of Affiliation – Links to IEEE Antitrust Guidelines – guidelines.pdf guidelines.pdf Link to IEEE Code of Ethics – _ethics.htmlhttp:// _ethics.html Link to IEEE Patent Policy – slideset.ppt slideset.ppt
omniran ecsg 5 Meeting Etiquette IEEE 802 is a world-wide professional technical organization Meetings are to be conducted in an orderly and professional manner in accordance with the policies and procedures governed by the organization. Individuals are to address the “technical” content of the subject under consideration and refrain from making “personal” comments to or about the presenter.
omniran ecsg 6 LMSC Operations Manual 4.3 Study groups Study group operation Progress of each Study Group shall be presented at the closing Sponsor meeting of each IEEE 802 LMSC plenary session by the appropriate WG, TAG, or ECSG Chair. Study Groups may elect officers other than the Chair, if necessary, and will follow the general operating procedures for WGs specified in the IEEE 802 LMSC WG P&P. Because of the limited time duration of a Study Group, no letter ballots are permitted Voting at study group meetings Any person attending a Study Group meeting may vote on all motions (including recommending approval of a PAR). A vote is carried by 75% of those present and voting “Approve” or “Disapprove.”
omniran ecsg 7 Agenda Wednesday, August 7th, 10:00–11:00am ET Reports –Result of EC closing meeting –Ongoing discussions with –Preparation for York F2F Documentation of OmniRAN EC SG results so far External communications Extension of EC SG plan until Nov ‘13 Meetings and conference calls –York F2F on September 2-6 –Nanjing wireless interim on September –Scheduling of conference calls until November 11 th Agenda for York F2F PAR and 5C template AOB
omniran ecsg 8 Business#1 Call Meeting to Order –Meeting called to order by chair at 10:02am ET Appointment of recording secretary: –Juan Carlos will take notes of the call Roll Call NameAffiliationNameAffiliation Max RiegelNSN Juan Carlos ZunigaInterdigital Antonio de la OlivaUC3M Paul CongdomTALLAC Networks Roger MarksConsensii Walter PienciakIEEE SA
omniran ecsg 9 Business #2 Approval of agenda –approved without objections Reports Geneva meeting minutes completed until end of this week. –Result of EC closing meeting slides were presented by chair explaining outcome of Geneva meeting –Ongoing discussions with initial discussion took place on service selection on further discussion will be invited on mailing list to prepare for the discussions in the York F2F –Preparation for York F2F One meeting on Wednesday, Sept 4 th, for PAR &5C discussions Additionally at least 2 discussions with on gaps (‘ptp links over bridged infrastructure’ and ‘service discovery and selection’)
omniran ecsg 10 Gap Analysis Defining a simplistic network reference model, a couple of use cases were investigated: –3GPP Trusted WLAN Access to EPC TS V ( ) –ZigBee SEP2 Smart Grid Use Case ZigBee docs zse –SDN-based OmniRAN Use Case Initial investigations show missing functionalities in some IEEE 802 specifications regards the investigated use cases. –Sharing of findings in progress with the related working group and investigations will continue directly together with working groups. Main issue was, that it was less than obvious how the pieces of IEEE 802 are fitting together –There is need for better documentation how IEEE 802 protocols work together to create access networks for particular deployments –There is no consistent way how IEEE 802 handles the IEEE 802 information elements going over IP protocols Access Ctrl Interne t R1 R3 Terminal R2
omniran ecsg 11 Topics for Standardization in IEEE 802 Establishing a common approach of specifying ‘external’ control into IEEE 802 technologies would require: –a specification describing the Network Reference Model and listing the DL and PHY control functions required for access networks and SDN To be addressed by a PAR developped by OmniRAN EC SG –a specification on the usage of IP protocols for the transport of IEEE 802 attributes Topic for the joint IEEE 802 – IETF coordination group –specifications of the control attributes for the individual IEEE 802 technologies by their working groups Should go into annex of related specifications to ensure consistency Gaps within IEEE 802 technologies may be discovered but should be addressed by the related IEEE 802 WGs
omniran ecsg 12 OmniRAN EC SG proposes to Develop a PAR and 5C for an IEEE 802 Recommended Practice by Nov ‘13 –Potential title: ‘Network Reference Model and Functional Description of IEEE 802 based Access Networks’ Similar to a ‘Stage 2’ specification Suggest the best home for the project.
omniran ecsg 13 Business #3 Documentation of OmniRAN EC SG results so far –correct liaison slides in #53 (no reference to #54) –create conclusion slides based on #48r4 merging in conclusions in the closing EC plenary on Jul 19 th –provide comprehensive presentation to in Nanjing Chair asking for extension of call by about 30 minutes until 11:30am ET to complete business No objections to extension of call External communication –Group agrees to present OmniRAN results to ONF –Chairs will take care of presentation in electronic meeting –Document#50 approved for presentation to ONF –Roger will introduce OmniRAN EC SG chairs to ONF by Extension of EC SG plan until Nov ‘13 Meetings and conference calls –York F2F on September 2-6 Roger asking for remote participation in the OmniRAN EC SG session Chair offered to take care and provide possibility for remote participation. –Nanjing wireless interim on September –Scheduling of conference calls until November 11 th Meetings as listed on slide 15 agreed. Chair will send out announcements and meeting details.
omniran ecsg 14 OmniRAN Plan and Timeline Initial meeting JanFebMarAprMayJunJul F2F meeting Conf Call Draft Use cases document Call for comments on Use cases document Use cases contributions Classification of functional requirements Gap analysis to existing solutions Socializing of gap analysis Refine scope of EC SG (crisp words) Use cases document finalization Functional requirements within scope of IEEE 802 Jul’15 Mar’21 Potential standardization topics for IEEE 802 Apr’11May’2Jun’20
omniran ecsg 15 OmniRAN Meetings until November 2013 Wed, Aug 7 th, 2013, 10-11am ET: Confcall Wed, Sep 4 th, 2013, F2F Meeting York, UK w/ remote participation Tue, Sep 17 th, am ET/ Nanjing, F2F session w/ remote participation Fri, Sep 27 th, 2013, 09-11am ET: Confcall (Fri, Oct 4 th, 2013, 09-11am ET: Confcall) ??? Thu, Oct 10 th, 2013, 09-11am ET: Confcall Fri, Oct 11 th, 2013, CoB: Submission deadline for PAR to EC list Mon, Nov 11 th, am CT: EC Opening Meeting Dallas F2F
omniran ecsg 16 Business #4 Agenda for York F2F –Approval of minutes ? –Reports discussions with communication with IETF communication with ONF –Content of ‘Stage 2’ document legacy guidance WiMAX NWG Stage 2 initial draft ToC of IEEE 802 ‘Stage 2’ –PAR & 5C texting –AOB PAR and 5C template – content.docx par-5c-table-of- content.docx –Working group section has to be filled with the information of the working group taking over the project –Roger recommends to check that PAR form has not been changed the past months. AOB –no other issues were brought up Adjourn –meeting was adjourned at 11:33am ET