B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 1 Overview of re-use requests and related issues D. MacFarlane Deputy Director, PPA.


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Presentation transcript:

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 1 Overview of re-use requests and related issues D. MacFarlane Deputy Director, PPA

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 2 Outline of Presentation *BABAR –Reusable components (DIRC, EMC, magnet, steel) –Ownership discussions and agreements –Policy on responding to requests after 2009 *PEP-II –Review of PEP-X, Fermilab and INFN requests for equipment –Priorities for disposition and tentative allocation –Timeline and scenarios

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 3 BABAR detector assets *Major assets of long-term re-use value: –Assets to preserve in the disassembly process: Quartz bars from the DIRC, including existing mechanical structure and horse collar CsI (Tl) crystals from the EMC, with existing mechanical structure Superconducting magnet coil, cryostat and current leads Flux return steel also of potential interest and/or value –Small and easily accessible re-usable components being recovered this year by owners *Possible future re-use interest at the SuperB Factory –Uncertain prospects still for the project, including the timeline –Interest in superconducting coil from future JLAB experiment –BABAR DND project can be executed in a timely manner, while preserving these reuse opportunities

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 4 Re-use options discussed with BABAR funding agencies *Option 1: Early decision on recovering small accessible components –Have compiled complete list and believe that recovery can be achieved seamlessly without impacting the D&D schedule *Option 2: Early re-use decision by one of the agencies wanting to recover a major component –Would explore ways for foreign partner participation in disassembly, thereby offsetting some of the anticipated D&D costs –Do not expect any agencies will exercise this option at this time *Option 3: Transfer ownership at the end of 2009 to SLAC/DOE, possibly because early decision on owner re-use not possible –Have agreement on interim condition and storage of component where needed, so that we can maintain the D&D schedule –If agency decides it wants to recover equipment after 2009, we would need to negotiate contribution to offset D&D costs –Transfer includes valuable systems, e.g., steel and coil, purchased through construction common fund

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 5 Considerations for Option 3 *For most systems the only action before 3/2010 is to disconnect services –Have agreement from relevant owners concerning intention to disconnect of utilities, cables, and services –Have identified a list of service disconnect dates for each system, most in first 6 months of 2009 –Have a set of recommendations on how utilities and cables will be disconnected *For a few systems, equipment will be removed from BABAR before 3/2010 –RPCs in forward and rear end doors: owners have stated that these can removed for disposal –Forward EMC will be removed in March, 2009 and stored in IR- 12 at least until Dec 2009

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 6 BABAR ownership status *Draft bilateral MOU codifying the options discussed at Jan BABAR IFC meeting –Any of these options could be exercised during the course of D&D, with a ownership transfer at the end of calendar 2009 differentiating Options 2 and 3 –Text completed and agreements are now in circulation for signatures *Policy for dispersal after ownership transfer in Dec 2009 –Priority given to requests that benefit the SLAC HEP science program, present or future, e.g., SuperB –Next priority are re-use requests from other US labs & programs –Recycle materials such as steel, if possible, to offset D&D costs –Breakdown of DIRC & EMC costed, but these valuable systems could be stored longer term

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 7 Requests for PEP-II components *From future on-site PEP-X project –rf stations (7/15), straight section quadrupoles, supports, and vacuum chambers (4/10), and injection hardware (1/2) *From INFN for re-use in SuperB project: –North and south damping rings, injection/extraction lines –Linac accelerating sections (72), klystrons (36), modulators (36), waveguides (72), quadrupoles (36), dipole correctors (40), polarized gun, spin rotators, positron target and capture area –PEP-II LER and HER dipoles & quadrupoles (1022), correctors (836), magnet supports (1000), vacuum chambers (650), rf stations (15), feedback systems (4), diagnostic systems, e  and e  injection hardware, temperature monitors, and power supplies (800) *From Fermilab for Project-X –HER dipoles (100), dipole vacuum chambers (100), and some quadrupoles (unspecified) *Small fraction of power supplies and instrumentation already made available to other facilities on site Outside scope of PEP-II D&D Project

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 8 Priorities for PEP-II component re-use *Stated policy: –Current or future accelerator facilities at SLAC –Operating or soon to be operate US accelerators at other laboratories –Future US domestic accelerators –Future US contributions to international accelerator programs –Other international accelerator programs –Disposal *Complicating issues –Future accelerator use-cases are not approved construction projects, with uncertain timescales and some lack of clarity on exact needs –While participation in dismantling by partnering institution is likely, to gain first-hand knowledge of equipment, details are not worked out –While not large, source of funding for costs of transportation not understood

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 9 Current plan for PEP-II re-use disposition *For FACET and on-site PEP-X project –North and south damping rings, injection/extraction lines –Linac accelerating sections (72), klystrons (36), modulators (36), waveguides (72), quadrupoles (36), dipole correctors (40), polarized gun, spin rotators, positron target and capture area –rf stations (7/15), straight section quadrupoles, supports, and vacuum chambers (4/10), and injection hardware (1/2) *From Fermilab for Project-X –HER dipoles (100), dipole vacuum chambers (100), and some quadrupoles (unspecified) *From INFN for re-use in SuperB project: –PEP-II LER and HER dipoles & quadrupoles (up to ~900), correctors (836), magnet supports (1000), vacuum chambers (~550), rf stations (8/15), feedback systems (4), diagnostic systems, injection hardware (1/2), temperature monitors, and power supplies (800) Outside scope of PEP-II D&D Project

B Factory D&D Review: March 23, 2009 Page 10 Possible timelines *Scenario: PEP-X, Project-X and SuperB are all approved –D&D project for PEP-II ramps up in FY12, bulk of removal and transport occurs in FY13-FY14, delivering components to Fermilab and Italy as early as January 2013 –Allows orderly and sequential removal of LER rafts, giving easy access to HER dipoles mounted below –Fits likely time-early on-site need for Fermilab and INFN; rf system components for PEP-X would need to be stored on site for some time –Detector components for SuperB ready well in advance of 2013 *Scenario: Project-X and/or SuperB do not go forward –Italian decision on SuperB expected within the next year, clarifying whether bulk of PEP-II components will be needed for this project [Dosselli] –Project-X decision could occur around 2012 [Kerby] –Major uncertainty is whether and to what extent exemptions to the metals suspension would be possible, impacting the amount of storage required on site and the costs of disposing or storing of components should this be needed [Seeman, Rokni]