S4-1 ADM730, Section 4, September 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation SECTION 4 CLASSICAL DOES
S4-2 ADM730, Section 4, September 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation
S4-3 ADM730, Section 4, September 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation CLASSICAL DOES n This module includes: u Identifying What You Want to Learn About u Screening DOEs for Important Factors u Fitting Response Surfaces and Publishing Data
S4-4 ADM730, Section 4, September 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation IDENTIFYING WHAT YOU WANT TO LEARN ABOUT n Identifying the responses to study u Any experiment needs to have clearly defined objectives. u As the designer, you must translate desirable qualities into measurable quantities. u Create as many objectives as needed; the number of objectives does not influence the number of design trials required. n Example u The loads department may be interested in bearing reactions while the motor expert may only be interested in drive torque requirements. You could create an objective for each of these to satisfy both groups.
S4-5 ADM730, Section 4, September 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation SCREENING DOES FOR IMPORTANT FACTORS n Some factors are more important than others u For any model with a large number of factors, it is very difficult to gauge which factors affect which responses. u Confounding (factors interacting with one another) confuses the issue even more, making design sweep study results misleading. u A screening DOE simply queries the system about an operating point and relates the response changes to factor changes. This roots out the big player factors, letting you intelligently reduce the size of your design space Large design space (many factors) Factor effect indicators Reduced design space Screening DOE
S4-6 ADM730, Section 4, September 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation FITTING RESPONSE SURFACES AND PUBLISHING DATA n Fitting response surfaces u Once a minimum set of factors has been identified, a response surface can be fit. u The response surface captures the factor-response relationship to a specified order: l Linear l Interactions (linear + term interaction) l Quadratic l Cubic
S4-7 ADM730, Section 4, September 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation FITTING RESPONSE SURFACES AND PUBLISHING DATA… n Publishing data u Sharing the response surface data is easy in a Web page format. u This allows others to enter factor values and see the response results immediately.
S4-8 ADM730, Section 4, September 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation