1 HIPO Trimester Review Status Report Ted Dunham Lowell Observatory 28 April, 2009
2 Major Progress Items Completed the ground test work in Palmdale in December Worked hard on the report for the HIPO line-ops in January and February –Completed all the HIPO analysis required for the report –Additional input to the report continues to accumulate Kepler launch on 5 March and subsequent commissioning work has consumed most of my time the last two months. –Kepler is doing well, though commissioning is running somewhat behind schedule One safing incident due to an arcane mathematical issue Decided to improve the focus substantially beyond the basic requirement. Peter resolved some irritating control software bugs. Progress made on a more efficient image display approach. Parts for the CCD67 upgrade made; welding is still an issue –Instructions are in from Brad –Found a welder who is certified, but I think not good enough –Have several leads, but insufficient time to run this problem to ground
3 Test Report Highlights Report not yet finished, but lots of information in it Door/TA alignment good to start; 0.5º tweak measured. FCM & TCM calibrated on sky. TCM control system work remains Care needed to insure gyro drift trimming is done correctly Gyro and imager alignments completed relative to the HIPO flange fiducial reference. “Final” gyro matrix needs to be checked. –Gyro drift & alignment tests affected by fine drive control deviations Optics aligned well; a small amount of astigmatism remains, but not related to the alignment. Fix is not required. Temperature dependence of focus measured; predicted in-flight focus positions should be good to ~20 microns. A problem was found in the fine drive’s gyro velocity integration –Results in image jumps after high velocity incidents Scanning appeared to work; start times and scan offsets need to be re- checked once the MCCS is involved. This is tricky to get right. A sanity test indicates that the FBC is working as expected
4 Current Summary Status Outstanding items:> MADS unit for SI racks > Platform for rack mounting
5 Budget Status High spending rate in first quarter due to ground test work. Low spending rate in March/April due to Kepler work. Total invoices to USRA capped at $500K. Accommodate by shifting to other work at Lowell.
6 HIPO Milestone Schedule FY09FY10FY11 Now:
7 Remaining Work Summary Documentation –Push the line-ops report through to completion –Write HIPO-MCS interface document and test plan –Integrate with MCS to Tier 4 by whatever approach we decide on –Continue working on the HIPO operations procedures document –Provide input for EMI/EMC test plan, now part of an overall Combined System Test –Incorporate MADS units into the HIPO drawings and documentation system –Write the USRA Proposal Manual (for use by GI proposers) –Write the HIPO data analysis manual Upgrades –Ongoing control and data analysis software upgrades CCD67 support, stop/abort, GPS/NTP daemon, 2-channel coordination, MCS communication, … –Complete CCD67 implementation Science preparation effort at MIT and Lowell –Ongoing KBO orbit maintenance for future predictions –Annual observing runs at the Perkins to prepare for SOFIA science flights Understand problems related to precise differential photometry
8 QA - Issues and Mitigations Nothing to say this SITR