Status of Sustainability - A SWOT analysis for Brighton & Hove
Strengths Expertise and specialism (e.g. low carbon design and buildings, energy, food) High level of environmental literacy, interest Strong community identities Greener consumers (e.g. renewable energy, food) High public transport use and compact city suiting walking, cycling High profile initiatives, innovations and external reputation Passionate groups, organisations & individuals Progressive partnership working ethos Pockets of good/best practice – e.g. Food Partnership, large number of Eco Schools, developer planning guidance Positive city leadership e.g. on carbon management Relatively low CO2 per head by fuel/energy use measure Green spaces, sea, South Downs – good quality of life (Forum)
Weaknesses high ecological footprint – resource consumption high C02 use impact on the climate old, leaky housing stock and fuel poverty worklessness, deprivation and health inequalities raw sewage pollution of the sea areas of poor air quality & high levels of noise (and light) pollution high water consumption as well as aquifer dependence condition of key wildlife sites Poor access to downland/countryside shortage of affordable housing degraded environments and pressures lack of integrated, large scale solutions
Opportunities Location suits a range of renewable energies – solar, wind, biomass especially One Planet Living Plan for the city & Bioregional attention Wastewater (sewage) treatment works planned Climate Change Strategy in development; and short-term CO2 targets in place Local Development Framework – new local plan South Downs National Park designation; council-owned downland / farms Education for Sustainable Development – regional centre of excellence bid (UoB) Climate Connections, Urban Biosphere and Harvest Brighton bids Energy Service Company development – rising energy/commodity prices “Green collar” jobs (scrutiny panel) focus – new inward investment and economic strategies Home renovations, Warm Homes grants, Energy Performance Certificates Cycling Demonstration Town Park and Ride; brownfield sites Sustainable Community Strategy revision New structures – this partnership, cabinet sustainability committee New national indicators of local environmental sustainability
Threats Rising CO2 emissions and consumerism Local impacts of climate change – risks from drought, flooding, heatwave and storm surge End of Environmentally Sensitive Areas scheme in downland – risk to water quality from nitrates etc. Consensus breakdowns Recession and macro forces Rising energy and commodity prices Conflicting priorities Resources and focus Awareness and understanding