ICM Bodrum 3 rd -7 th September AA Workshop Internationality and Cultural Diversity in AA
Purpose of the WS? Find out how to… … fulfil our philosophy statement –“assisting law students and young lawyers to be internationally minded”? … bring international level closer to local/national level … use internationality as a tool for recruitment/promotion
Studies Abroad Projects (SAP): Encourage local student to go on exchange abroad and receive those who come to your univeristy
How to become a SAPer? Involve exchange students in your activities Inform about study programmes abroad Tandem language exchange Mentor week Social events
Why focus on internationality in ELSA? Our identity Makes us more interesting Studies Abroad Projects Human resources Network Reputation New partners
1. Does your national/local group have an international focus? 2. What are the advantages of having an international profile in your group? 3. How do you create internationality to your local group? 4. Can you involve the exchange students more? ´