Quality Performance Measures Presentation Derived from Martin & Kettner’s Measuring the Performance of Human Service Programs, Sage, 1996
Quality Measures I Accessibility: The program is easy to access Assurance: Program staff are friendly, polite, considerate, & knowledgeable Communication: Program information is provided in simple understandable language Competency: Program Staff possess the requisite knowledge & skills
Quality Measures II Conformity: The service meets established standards Courtesy: Program staff demonstrate respect toward clients Deficiency: The program is missing a character or element Durability: The program’s performance or results do not dissipate quickly
Quality Measures III Empathy: Program staff attempt to understand clients’ needs and provide individualized attention Humanness: The program is provided in a manner that protects clients dignity and sense of self worth Performance: The program accomplishes its intended purposes
Quality Measures III Reliability: The program is operated in a dependable and reliable manner with minimum variation through time or between clients
Quality Measures IV Responsiveness: The program delivery is timely Security: The program is provided in a safe setting free from risk or danger Tangibles: the appearance of the facilities, equipment, personnel, and published materials involved in a program delivery are appropriate
Approaches to Quality Performance Measurements Outputs with Quality Dimensions –focus: service quality –data source: agency record
Approaches to Quality Performance Measurements Client Satisfaction –foci: Service quality & Service Results (impacts, effects benefits) –data source: client satisfaction surveys
Outputs with Quality Dimension Approach: 3 Steps Step 1: select the quality dimensions to be used Step 2: Relate the quality dimensions to specific characteristics of human service programs Step 3: Graft the quality dimensions to intermediate out performance measures.
Performance Measure Reminder Intermediate Outcomes: involve episodes, contacts, unit of service, or a material unit of service Final Outcomes: involve service completions
Step 1: Selecting Quality Dimensions Agencies will want to select the quality dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, and timeliness. Selection of additional quality dimensions will vary with the agency
Step 2: Translating Quality Dimensions: (Examples) Information & Referral –Reliability: number of appropriate referrals made in a unit of time –Responsiveness: Callers connect to I&R services on the first attempt
Step 2: Translating Quality Dimensions: (Examples) Home Delivered Meals –Reliability: number of meals in a period of time that are delivered hot (+180 degrees) –Responsiveness: number of meals delivered on time.
Step 2: Translating Quality Dimensions: (Examples) Counseling –Reliability: number of clients seeing the same counselor from visit to visit over a period of time. –Responsiveness: Average time it takes agency to schedule an appointment with client and actually see them.
Step 3: Grafting Quality Dimensions Information & Referral –reliability: one appropriate referral –responsiveness: one caller connecting 1st time Counseling –reliability: one hour of service with counselor of record –responsiveness: one hour of service with appointment starting on time Home Delivered Meals –reliability: one hot meal delivered –responsiveness: one delivered meal on time
Client Satisfaction Approach Step 1: Selecting Quality Dimensions Step 2: Translating Quality Dimensions Step 3: Developing Survey Questions
Step 1: Selecting Quality Dimensions Determine which quality dimensions are most important to your clients by reflecting on those things which clients and staff most frequently complain about and praise about agency services. Then assume there are other dimensions which “should” be important to clients but which you may not be hearing about. Then start looking…...
Step 2: Translating Quality Dimensions Information & Referral –reliability: appropriate referrals –responsiveness: calls answered first time Home Delivered Meals –reliability: meals arrive hot –responsiveness: meals arrive on time Counseling –reliability: clients see same counselor –responsiveness: clients not kept waiting
Step 3: Developing Survey Questions Use of Direct Questions: E.G. Overall, how satisfied are you with the counseling program Use of Likert Scale Responses: E.G. Very DissatisfiedVery Satisfied 1……………2………….3………….4…………..5