Objective: I can describe the failures and achievements of president’s Ford and Carter. Preview: pick up last set of primary resources. Process: Ford and Carter Sheets On Your Own: Iranian Hostage Crisis Reading (replacement grade OR primary resource folder) The Ford & Carter Years
With the resignation of Nixon on August 9 th, 1974 over the Watergate Scandal, Ford (Nixon’s VP) took over. Only man in American history to serve as Vice President and President without being elected to either office! Why? 25 th Amendment; Nixon’s original VP had been Spiro Agnew, who had resigned (tax evasion). Nixon picked Ford to replace him.
First things first, he pardoned Nixon less than a month after his resignation. Never-ending stagflation. WIN: Whip Inflation Now Program declaring inflation “public enemy #1” Asked citizens to voluntarily change their spending/saving behavior to fight inflation. Cut taxes, increased unemployment benefits, raised interest rates. Caused a recession.
Relied on Henry Kissinger’s help. Traveled to the Soviet Union. Signed the Helsinki Accord in Finland—a series of agreements that promised greater cooperation between Eastern and Western Europe. Tries to intervene in Vietnam as it falls to Communism…Congress says no! Two years of flops! Foreign Policy
Gerald Ford ran for re-election, because why not? Democrats pick Jimmy Carter…Peanut farmer turned governor of Georgia. Promised to restore integrity to the nation’s highest office. Promised not to lie to the American people. Down-to-earth Gave similar chats on the radio/TV as FDR had done. Planks: Focus on energy conservation Solve economic problems America gets a Peanut Farmer!
National Energy Act: tax on gas- guzzling cars, tax credits for alternative energy development. Inflation skyrocketed to 14% due to continued Middle Eastern violence. Job layoffs, transfer from manufacturing jobs to service sector jobs. Carter’s popularity took a serious hit. Was popular with minorities; appointed more African Americans, women and Latinos than ever before in American history. Domestic Policy
Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in Carter placed a grain embargo on the USSR. Boycotted the Olympics (being held in Moscow in 1980). Camp David Accords: with unrest in the Middle East between Arab nations and Israel, Carter invited the leader of Egypt and the leader of Israel to Camp David. Agreement that called for peace between the two nations. Iranian Hostage Crisis (reading) Foreign Policy
Cut off relations with countries known to torture and kill their own citizens (Brazil/Argentina) Human Rights Bureau created. Panama Canal given to Panama. Environmentalism: realization that pollution and overconsumption were damaging the environment. Earth Day: April 22, 1970 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): set and enforce pollution standards, conduct research, assist in pollution control. Trends of the Time Period