Introduction to the Process of Formative Assessment
Turn & Talk In collaboration with your colleagues, discuss: What is your current understanding of formative assessment? How is it different from other forms of assessment? What shared understanding do you now have as a result of your discussion? Slide 1
Formative Assessment: One Definition Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes. (CCSSO, FAST SCASS, 2006) Slide 2
Read over Handout (Formative Assessment Definitions) Underline important words or phrases that stand out in the definitions Discuss with a partner Turn & Talk Slide 3
The Process of Formative Assessment Slide 4 (Heritage, 2010)
Where is the learner going? Where is the learner now? Where to next? How to get there? Key Questions in Formative Assessment Slide 5
Slide 6 (Heritage, 2009) Handout 1.3.2
Consolidate Your Learning In pairs, reflect on the ZPD and closing the gap How do you address these questions in your classroom? 1.Where is the learner going? 2.Where is the learner now? 3.Where to next? 4.How to get there? Share this information in the large group Slide 7
Try It Out Reflect on the definition of Formative Assessment, the ZPD and Closing the Gap. Use the graphic as you reflect on your practice. 1.Where do you see the process of formative assessment at work in your classroom? 2.How might you plan to address the 4 questions (where is the learner going, where is the learner now, where to next, and how to get there?) as part of the formative assessment process in your classroom? Share this information in your TLC. Slide 8