The National FFA Organization Holtville FFA & You Scott Poague, Holtville High School, February 2007
Objectives Students will: –Define leader & leadership. –Explain why effective leadership is needed in agriculture. –State some major traits of good leaders. –Describe the opportunities for leadership development in FFA. –Demonstrate positive leadership skills. –Understand FFA chapter operations.
FFA Purpose The FFA is a youth organization that was developed to specifically expand the opportunities in leadership & skill development for agriscience students in public schools. Only students in agriscience education are eligible for FFA membership.
FFA Purpose Develop competent & assertive agriscience students through leadership. Develop awareness of the global importance of agriculture. To strengthen the confidence of agriscience students in themselves & their work. To promote intelligent choices in agriculture. To develop character, train for useful citizenship, & foster patriotism.
FFA Purpose To provide organized recreational activities for agriscience students.
FFA Leadership The FFA is an organization dedicated to the promotion of youth leadership. Leadership- capacity or ability to lead others. To Lead- is to show the way by going in advance, or to guide the action or opinion of. Manage- to use people, and resources to reach a common goal.
FFA Leadership Traits of good leaders: –Integrity- without integrity others cannot trust the leader. –Knowledge- familiarity, awareness, and understanding. –Dependable –Courageous –Tactful- skill of encouragement in positive ways
FFA Leadership –Enthusiasm- energy to do a job –Unselfish –Loyal
Name Change Original Name: FFA, Future Farmers of America Today’s Name FFA, The National FFA Organization
FFA Emblem Ear of Corn Represents a common interest in agriculture Owl Represents knowledge & wisdom Plow Represents labor & tillage of the soil Eagle Represents the national scope of the organization Rising Sun Represents the progressive nature of the agricultural industry.
FFA Colors National Blue & Corn Gold
FFA Motto Learning To Do Doing To Learn Earning To Live Living To Serve
FFA Salute The Pledge of Allegiance
Official FFA Dress
Males –Black Slacks –White Shirt –FFA tie –Black shoes –FFA jacket, zipped Females –Black skirt or pants –White blouse –FFA blue scarf –Black shoes –FFA jacket, zipped
FFA Officer Roles President (Rising Sun) –Preside over meetings according to rules. –Appoint committees –Coordinate chapter activities –Represent chapter in public relation events
FFA Officer Roles Vice President (Plow) –Assume all duties of the president if necessary. –Develop the program of activities(POA)
FFA Officer Roles Secretary (Ear of Corn) –Prepare and post meeting agenda –Prepare and present meeting minutes –Responsible for chapter correspondence
FFA Officer Roles Treasurer (Bust of Washington) –Receive, record, and deposit FFA funds
FFA Officer Roles Reporter (American Flag) –Plan public info programs with paper, radio, etc. –Chapter photographer
FFA Officer Roles Sentinel (Meeting Room Door) –Assists in maintaining order –Welcome members and visitors –Assists in keeping meeting room comfortable
FFA Officer Roles Advisor (Owl) –Supervises chapter activities year round.
Additional FFA Officers (Not in Opening Ceremony) Historian –Maintain chapter scrapbook –Prepares displays –Assists with photography
Additional FFA Officers (Not in Opening Ceremony) Chaplain –Presents the invocations and devotions at meetings and banquets.
Gavel Taps of the Gavel –1x- sit down –2x- come to order –3x- stand
Meeting Room President Reporter Secretary Treasurer Advisor Vice President Sentinel- the door
FFA History Courses in vocational agricultural were established The FFA was established Official colors were adopted The NFA(New Farmers of America) and the FFA merged Females were allowed to join the organization
FFA Degrees The FFA has 4 degrees that indicate progress that the members are making. –Greenhand Degree –Chapter Degree –State Degree –American Degree
FFA Career Development Events Tractor Driving Compact Tractor Driving Land Judging Livestock Judging Forestry Judging Floriculture Nursery/Landscape Public Speaking Creed Speaking
FFA Career Development Events Ag Mechanics Small Engines Ag Construction Parliamentary Procedure