LEADERSHIP 101 Three types of leaders Where leaders learn to lead What people want in a leader 10 Leadership Qualities – How do you rate?
Where leaders learn to lead
What People Want in a Leader
10 LEADERSHIP QUALITIES HOW DO YOU RATE YOURSELF? VISION: A sense of what could and should be done CONFIDENCE: Having a positive self image of yourself as a capable and effective individual DECISIVENESS: Making decisions without undue hesitations DEPENDABILITY: How well others can count on you ENDURANCE: Stamina and stability to maintain a positive presence under pressure
10 LEADERSHIP QUALITIES HOW DO YOU RATE YOURSELF? ENTHUSIASM: Personal commitment that invigorates and motivates others INIAITIVE: Doing what needs to be done without being asked INTEGRITY: Honesty, strenght of character that builds trust JUDGEMENT:The ability to weigh facts & possible solutions on which to base decisions UNSELFISNESS: Putting the needs of others before your own