INTERNAL AWARDS CRITERIA Revised September 1, 2015 Awards Committee Contact:
ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY This is presented to students with 100% attendance and 100% punctuality for school for the academic year. This award is based on actual attendance ONLY.
EXTRA CURRICULA ACTIVITIES This award is presented to a member of each club or society who makes significant contributions to the club or society and adjudged an outstanding member by the teacher in charge.
INDIVIDUAL SUBJECT AREAS This award is presented for OUTSTANDING academic performe in each subject. The selected student(s) must have an overall individual subject average of at least 80% for the year in the Junior School (7-9) and at least 75% in the Senior School (10-11).
EXCELLENT EFFORT This award is presented to students who have made excellent effort in their class work, as adjudged by members of the teaching staff. Students nominated for this award will have an overall average of 1 for their effort grade across all subjects. Where there is more than one student nominated, the teaching staff will vote to decide which student receives the award. Where there is no (1) take best which is 1.2 or less. This award excludes recipients of Gold and Silver Awards.
SCHOOL COUNCIL AWARD Presented to the members of the school council for their work as student representatives. In order to be considered for this award, representatives must demonstrate effectiveness in their role. This must be confirmed by the Staff Advisor for the School Council, SMT and homeroom tutors.
CITIZENSHIP AWARD The citizenship award is presented to the student who is seen as most helpful and willing. This student uses initiative to perform tasks and is involved in activities which promote a positive ethos in and around the school and community. The student’s general conduct and deportment should be sound. There are TWO awards, one for lower school (7-9) and one for upper school (10-11).
LEADERSHIP AWARD The leadership award is presented to the student who displays excellent leadership qualities in and around the school campus and the community. The student’s general conduct and deportment should be sound. There are TWO awards in this category, one for lower school (7-9) and one for upper school (10-11).
SILVER AWARD FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE This award is presented to students who obtain an overall average of 70 or more for the year. The students should be doing the maximum number of subjects offered in the year group. Students should also obtain behaviour and effort average of less than 1.6 and have no suspensions for the year. Students should also have no referrals. However, students with 1 referral may be eligible for the award subject to scrutiny by the Awards Committee.
GOLD AWARD FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE This award is presented to students who obtain an overall average of 80 or more for the year. Students should also obtain a behaviour and effort average of less than 1.6 and have no suspensions for the year. Where subjects are in sets, students must be enrolled in ALL Set A subjects and doing the maximum number of subjects offered in the year group. Students should also have no referrals. However, students with 1 referral may be eligible for the award subject to scrutiny by the Awards Committee.
OUTSTANDING CONDUCT AND EFFORT This award is presented to students who obtain an overall average of 1 for effort and 1 for conduct for the entire year, with 1 representing outstanding. Students should have no referrals nor suspensions for the year.
TOP PEFORMERS IN EACH YEAR GROUP This is presented to the student who achieves the highest and second highest overall average for the year in each year group. The awardee should be doing the maximum number of subjects offered in the year group.
HOMEROOM OF THE YEAR A points system will used to award points a homeroom based on the collective efforts of all students in the homeroom. This will include the following areas: Effort, Conduct, Attendance, Punctuality, Merits, Class Service Projects, Conduct and Participation in Assemblies. Points will be deducted for behaviour incidents. The Homeroom with the highest number of points will be named Homeroom of the Year and will receive the Cup for the Year.