ChildONEurope Seminar Current EU Framework for addressing child poverty and well-being Julie Bélanger, Research Leader 26 November 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

ChildONEurope Seminar Current EU Framework for addressing child poverty and well-being Julie Bélanger, Research Leader 26 November 2015

2 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar European policy context Barcelona targets (2002) Europe 2020 headline target (2010): Lifting 20 million people out of poverty and social exclusion by 2020 –European platform against poverty and social exclusion (one of seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 Strategy) Commission Recommendation (2013) - Investing in Children: Breaking the cycle of disadvantage European Platform on Investing in Children (EPIC) – RAND Europe (2013) –EPIC is a tool that helps Member States implement the Recommendation.

3 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar Evolution of share of children at risk of poverty or social exclusion (0-17) between 2008 and 2013 (AROPE means below 60% of median income + severe material deprivation)

4 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar We need to address problems specific to children and youth 27% of children (aged 0-17) in the EU-27 were at risk of poverty or social exclusion compared to 20% of old (aged 65+) Family benefit expenditure across the EU-27 is raising slightly despite government cuts Youth (aged 15-24) unemployment rate is more than twice as high as the adult rate – over 20% against 9% Of early school leavers, about 55% are inactive across the EU-27 Photo by PictureYouth via Flickr. Used in accordance with Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

5 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar Main trends in child poverty Crisis has led to an increase in the child AROPE, in several MS it is >30%! Not having a job is main reason for being poor Poverty is highest for children of lone parents, migrant and Roma children and for children in large families (i.e. more than 3) Work disincentives for lone parents and second earners on low income (due to cost of childcare and articulation with benefits) Cost of childcare are important barrier Significant social gradient registered for those children under 2 attending ECEC services


7 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar Focus must be on young children: The earlier you start the better 

8 Formal childcare services Types Preschools Day care centres Registered childminders/nannies Opportunities Vital for child development and well-being Essential step towards equal opportunities in employment between women and men Challenges Availability Affordability Flexibility Quality of care

9 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar What are the EU targets for formal childcare provision? Barcelona targets for formal childcare provision (2002): At least 33% of children under 3 years of age At least 90% of children between 3 years old and mandatory school age A decade after the targets were set, there are still large differences in childcare coverage across Europe

10 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar A typology of the progression towards the Barcelona targets

11 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar Children under 3 years of age in formal care

12 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar Children from 3 years of age in formal care

13 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar Note: Where the partner earns the average wage (AW) and the female partner earns 50 per cent of the average wage. SOURCE: Based on Mills et al. (2013, 16), OECD Childcare-related costs and benefits, % of average wage Affordability of care as an obstacle

14 RAND Europe report recommendations Recommendations on stepping up efforts in order to meet the Barcelona target Recommendations on indicators to measure the realisation of targets Moving beyond the Barcelona targets

15 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar 2013 Recommendation Investing in children – Breaking the cycle of disadvantage Access to adequate resource Support parents’ participation in the labour market Provide for adequate living standards through a combination of benefits Access to quality & affordable services Investing in early childhood education and care Education systems Universal right to health care Safe, adequate housing and living environment Enhance family support and the quality of alternative care settings Children’s right to participate Promote children’s participation in decision making that affects their lives Support the participation of all children in play, recreation, sport and cultural activities

16 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) Follows from the EC’s recommendation on ‘Investing in Children- Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage’ An EU evidence-based platform that aims to collect evidence on child focused policies and practices In addition to a dedicated website as a knowledge bank ( EPIC brings EU and government representatives together in thematic seminars

17 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar Policy objectives of EPIC Support parents’ participation in the labour market Invest in early childhood education and care Provide for adequate living standards through a combination of benefits Enhance family support and the quality of alternative care settings Support children’s right to participate in play, culture and decisionmaking

18 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar ‘Practices that Work’ section Two registries that complement each other User Registry Capturing a variety of interesting and innovative practices Sharing relevant experiences with users and stakeholders Evidence Based Practices Practices where evidence of effectiveness is available

19 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar

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21 To bold text: Use Futura Std Medium, and click B in formatting toolbar Thank you for your attention!