THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EGTCs: PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES AND FIGURES IN SPAIN Rocío Díaz Martín Assistant to Deputy Director of Institutional Relations
PORTUGUESE BORDERFRENCH BORDER (1) Galicia-Norte de Portugal (4) Pirineos- Mediterráneo (2) Duero-Douro(5) Pirineos-Cerdanya (3) Zas-Net(9) Espacio Portalet (11) Faja Pirítica Ibérica (10) Hospital de la Cerdanya (12) Eurocidade Chaves- Verín (15) Aquitania-Euskadi (17) PRES-PM (19) Pais d’Art (20) Huesca-Hautes Pyrénées SEVERAL MEMBER STATES (6) Archimed(18) EUKN (16) Ciudades de la Cerámica
Rocío Díaz Martín Assistant to Deputy Director of Institutional Relations
EGTCs Rocío Díaz Martín Assistant to Deputy Director of Institutional Relations
Tendency in the creation of EGTCs. Applications per yearAuthorized EGTCs per year Rocío Díaz Martín Assistant to Deputy Director of Institutional Relations
Impact of the new EU Regulation : Tacit agreement -Before and after de EU Regulation: Situation in Spain. -Implementation problems in an international environment. Rocío Díaz Martín Assistant to Deputy Director of Institutional Relations
Improving the procedure What has been done More proactive approach of the national authorisation authority. Increase communication with other parties of the procedure. On line procedure. Challenges/ proposals Evaluation of EGTC’s functioning: Questionnaire. New national regulation. Achieve a more fluent communication with other parties. Rocío Díaz Martín Assistant to Deputy Director of Institutional Relations
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EGTCs: PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES AND FIGURES IN SPAIN Rocío Díaz Martín Assitant to Deputy Director of Institutional Relations Rocío Díaz Martín Assistant to Deputy Director of Institutional Relations