Writing Executive Summary Sandra Sembel and Itje Chodidjah
What is Executive Summary EXECUTIVESUMMARY ?? ??
Executive Summary The executive summary is the most important part of a business document. It is the first (and sometimes the only) thing others will read and the last thing you should write. It is simply a brief summary of the document, given so that the busy people who will read your document know at a glance how much to read and what actions will probably be needed. (Source: Summary) Summary
Outline Opening: Background and purpose Body: Key issues or activities conducted Closing: Summary of successes and challenges and transitions to the details of the report.
Background Scope of the report Purpose of the report
Key issues key Issues and activities Related budgeting
Summary Summary of successes Summary of challenges + solutions
Closing Summary Transitions to the report
Closing Express gratitude and positive plan for the next phase