UNDERSTANDING CURRENT SCENARIO - INTERNAL FIABCI today: Declining individual membership (2,500); limited grass roots involvement Committees not productive due to limited resources: people, professional support, and management strategy Organization constrained by limited financial resources (based only on membership dues) Principal Members (86) more focused on domestic interests Bottom line: Insufficient value for dues dollars 2
UNDERSTANDING CURRENT SCENARIO - EXTERNAL FIABCI today: Prix d ’Excellence Awards provides prestige and recognition Involvement in global NGOs (UN, IMF, etc.) provide excellent exposure Our active role in International Ethics Standards Coalition Strong brand recognition Opportunities for growth through, Chapters, Principal and Academic Members 3
VISION: GROW FIABCI THROUGH INCREASED RELEVANCY TO CURRENT & PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS Explore new ways to: Communicate & exchange information Create business opportunities Promote & deliver member benefits Explore new / additional revenue models 4
KEY TENETS FOR MY CANDIDACY Emphasis on business opportunities – on and offline A “retail model” approach to member services Increased global awareness/recognition of FIABCI Greater involvement of FIABCI Chapters and Principal Members Commitment to young professionals Reorganization of administration model; including Chapter support Innovative approach to revenue generation 5
INCREASED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: ONLINE – Enhanced emphasis on member business Focus on networking, referrals and business opportunities Knowledge database (online library, market reports, economic data, etc.) Tools for deal, investment and market analysis; country risk profiles Profit from structured referral systems Better use of social media; creation of FIABCI YouTube channel New technologies to support connecting, sharing & information dissemination / marketing among members Promote Principal Members education, technology & training services Connect local Chapters / access to national websites 6
INCREASED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: OFFLINE FIABCI Congress / Regional Meetings & Events Evaluate / reconsider all topics not related to business / enhancement of our profession Adapt new FIABCI Events Manual Reorganize business sections to be more attractive Organize Markets Panorama according to member interests Facilitate open forum / speaking opportunities for Chapters at all FIABCI events; organize Marketing, Education & Technology webinars Schedule major FIABCI events with Principal Members events to leverage marketing, logistics, etc. Create International Events Calendar in coordination with Chapters, PMs 7
RETAIL MODEL APPROACH Rethink our product FIABCI as a product mall World Council serve as “stores” Offer FIABCI tools; unbundled PM best practice products and services Creates sponsorship opportunities Win-Win for FIABCI, Chapters, PMs (& members!) 8
INCREASED GLOBAL AWARENESS / RECOGNITION OF FIABCI Leverage global recognition with important industry groups for influence Leverage global recognition with non-industry groups that are a source of business or funding Develop / promote clear value proposition to membership Produce promotional materials for international / national / local use Implement a branding campaign at all levels; brand protection efforts Enhance media relations program to position FIABCI as a source of industry expertise Secure professional assistance to support leveraging of global recognition 9
COMMITMENT TO YOUNG PROFESSIONALS: PREPARING OUR FUTURE LEADERS Marketing / membership campaign targeting young professionals Leadership development opportunities with committees, World Councils, etc. Mentoring program organized through Chapters and / or with local universities Promotion of FIREC and Principal Members education, e.g., through REALTOR University®, and from other PM education potentials Create partnership with business / professional schools to develop trainee programs Exploration of fee models that support young professional recruitment 10
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Organize for best possible sufficiency and efficiency with a new governance model Provide voice for Chapters; leverage their knowledge of member needs Greater involvement of FIABCI Chapters and Principal Members thru the creation of their respective Councils FIABCI Chapter Coordination Offices to grow FIABCI in current and NEW markets Advisory Council of seasoned professionals “City” chapters in large markets Committee representation from all members with a clear road map Leverage grassroots structure of FIABCI Principal Members 11
CHAPTER SUPPORT Professional marketing support available, as needed Strategic Chapter support through: Exploration of subsidies to attract new members Increased integration of FIABCI key activities at Chapter level (Prix d ’Excellence, UN Mission) Encouragement of cross-Chapter interaction / program alliances Coaching support; strategic sessions for FIABCI growth 12
INNOVATIVE REVENUE MODELS Explore, and research… Opportunities to reduce Chapter fees while introducing membership incentives New member fee models Leverage “Association Member” category Individual members of Principal Members Attract corporate sponsorships 13
ASSOCIATION MEMBERS: KEY TO GROWTH SERVING CHAPTERS & PRINCIPAL MEMBERS AT NO-COST Goal: Generate revenue through power of association membership of FIABCI Principal Members Strategy: Identify & facilitate sponsorship alliance between a FIABCI PM and 3 rd -party sponsor seeking global exposure / market information Value Proposition: Shared revenue for FIABCI PMs and FIABCI Practitioner members have access to best practice global products & services FIABCI positioned as “go-to” source for access to industry Today: 2500 members; development of recognition by promotion of association membership Tomorrow: Growing membership strengthened by association membership of PMs. Instead of 43 Chapters today, largely increase the number of Chapters worldwide. 14
ASSOCIATION MEMBERS: KEY TO GROWTH SERVING CHAPTERS & PRINCIPAL MEMBERS AT NO-COST Key Points about Association Member Model Member category already exists, but never fully marketed in the past No dues paid by PM or individual members They may not use logo or receive member benefits PM retains/controls of all member data PM reports total # of members to FIABCI PM agrees to send regular newsletter from FIABCI Via newsletter…. FIABCI promotes its programs/service and individual membership FIABCI provides access to market by sponsors (generating non-dues revenue) Results in increased interest from PM member to become regular FIABCI members 15
ASSOCIATION MEMBERS: KEY TO GROWTH EXAMPLES OF REVENUE MODEL Example #1 USA PM wants to build alliance with European organization to market online training program. $2K is needed to customize for European market; Microsoft is interested partner. USA and European groups build platform with Microsoft support/funding in exchange for marketing considerations through FIABCI newsletter. 10% of revenue goes to FIABCI HQ; 10% to FIABCI Europe. Example #2 PM developer group in Brazil wants to promote with CISCO an education program about smart buildings to all professionals worldwide. Same strategy follows as in Example #1. Development of program for our PM to deliver to all FIABCI Association Members worldwide. Revenue shared between PM, FIABCI HQ and FIABCI Brazil. 16
TAPPING INTO EXISTING PROPOSALS AND IDEAS 2014 – 2017 Strategic Plan objectives Technology Branding, marketing, PR Financial Membership And more… Association governance best practices Strategic planning Operations Role of volunteers Role of General Assembly; strengthening the structure of FIABCI 17
THANK YOU! A Shared Vision Questions Kirkor Ajderhanyan 18