Year 9 Options Key Stage 4 What’s in it for me? Tuesday 19 th January 2016
What are Year 9 Options? Your chance to have some choice in what you study in Years 10 & 11 (Key Stage 4) Your opportunity to plan about what you want to do when you leave education A fresh start
What subjects can I select? You have subjects which you must study – these are called core subjects You have subjects which you can choose – these are called option subjects
Core Subjects English Language & English Literature Maths Science Religious Studies PE There is no exam in PE. The PSHEE/C provision is met through Discovery Days.
Option Subjects Art and Design Business Studies Child Development Computer Science D&T- Electronics D&T- Food D&T- Product Design Drama Geography History ICT (Cambridge National Media Studies Modern Foreign Languages Music Physical Education (Cambridge National) Science (Separate Sciences)
How do I select my options? This booklet outlines the options process and what subject combinations you can select: Every student has received this booklet from their tutor Read it with your parents/ carers Read it with your Tutor
How do I select my options? This booklet outlines what each subject offers at Key Stage 4: Every student has received this booklet from their tutor Read it with your parents/ carers Read it with your Tutor
How do I select my options? You will need to do the following: Select 3 subjects Select a reserve subject Select a third session subject (if you want) In a small number of cases, the first choice combination of subjects may not fit into the timetable. In these situations the reserve subject will be used. If there are further issues, students and parents will be contacted directly. Therefore, the selection of a reserve subject is very important.
Third Session This provides you with the opportunity to study an additional GCSE after school. This is usually offered in: Art and Design French Third session is dependent on a viable number of students selecting this as an option in each subject.
GCSE Qualification Reform Mrs L Townsend Leader of Data and Curriculum
Background Government recently announced changes to the structure, assessment and grading of GCSE qualifications and their equivalence over a 3 year period. Changes include moving away from A*-G grading system to number grades 1-9, with 9 being the highest. Students awarded GCSEs in 2017 (current Y10) and 2018 (current Y9) will therefore receive a mixture of 1-9 and A*-G grades, depending on option subjects taken. In addition to the change in structure of the new GCSEs, the government has also raised the expectation of the standard of GCSEs and therefore a ‘good pass’ will move from a C grade to a new grade 5.
What does the new grading system look like?
What do the new numbers mean? Because the content of the new GCSEs is so different, there is no direct way to convert between the old GCSE A*-G grades and the new 1-9 number grades. However, to ensure the new system is fair to those students taking the new qualifications, the government has fixed the percentages of students gaining particular grades against the old grading system. For example, broadly the same proportion of students will achieve a grade 7 and above as those who currently achieve a grade A and above. However this does not mean that a grade 7 equivalent to a grade A.
How will this affect me/my child? There will be new, more demanding content, which has been developed by government and the exam boards. This is to help our students achieve as well as students in countries with the best education systems. For example, the new maths qualification will have more content to study and include more stretching maths at the higher grades. The new English Language qualification will include a robust foundation in reading and writing good English as well as 20% of the overall marks being awarded for spelling, punctuation and grammar. Assessment will be mainly by examination, with other forms of assessment only for particular subject skills e.g. Art and Design, PE.
How will this affect me/my child? All examinations will be taken during the summer of Year 11 and in most subjects, there will only be one tier of entry rather than the choice of higher or foundation tiers – only maths, sciences and languages will have differently tiered papers. The government has raised the expectation of what it now considers to be a ‘good pass’. Previously a grade C or above was considered the requirement and on the new system this will be a grade 5 or above. This will inevitably mean that fewer students are expected to achieve a ‘good pass’ compared to the C grade equivalent.
Which subjects are affected? You could receive a mixture of letter and number grades, depending on the option subjects that are chosen. However this is the same nationally and you will not be disadvantaged in any way. New 1-9 grades (reformed GCSEs) in English Language, English Literature, Maths, Double science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Art, Computer science, Food, Drama, French, Geography, German, History, Music, PE, RE, Spanish. Current A*-C grades (legacy GCSEs) in Business studies, Product design, Electronics, Child development, ICT, Media studies.
What next? Talk to your teachers tonight about the structure of the new qualification in subjects areas you are considering as an option subject and in your core subjects. Make appointments for parents’ evening next Wednesday for the subjects you are considering taking as your options and your core subjects to discuss your progress in each subject. Ask questions if you are unsure about anything.
What next? Students will complete an electronic options form in tutor time on Thursday 28 th January Confirmation letters of options for parents/carers to sign will go home with students on Monday 1 st February Deadline for the return of these letters is Friday 5 th February Don’t worry, all students across the country are in the same position as you and you will not be disadvantaged by this qualification reform.
Additional information Documents from Ofqual and DfE on the GCSE reform qualifications-by-ofqual Subject content for new GCSE subjects address for Mrs Townsend