Welcome to Numerical Analysis Math 448/548 Cpt S 430/530 Fall 2016 Instructor: John Miller, West 134E Class web page can be found at
Objectives: To present the mathematical basis for methods of numerical analysis To introduce students to MATLAB as a software package for numerical analysis Textbook: “Numerical Mathematics and Computing” 6th Edition by Cheney and Kincaid Course content: Chapter 3: Locating zeros of a function Chapters 5&6: Numerical integration Chapters 10&11: Systems of ordinary differential equations Chapter 2: Floating-point representation and errors Chapter 7: Systems of linear equations Chapter 8: Eigenvalues Chapter 9: Spline functions Chapter 12: Smoothing data and method of least squares Final exam
Lean by doing: Code development will be part of lectures. Students are expected to participate and share work. Required assignments: Students will be assigned problems to be solved by writing MATLAB codes Prior approval is required for late submission. No partial credit. Full credit on correct resubmissions. Criteria for student evaluation: homework 34%, quizzes 33%, final exam 33%. Tests will include applications of codes developed in class and in homework assignments. 500-level students must define a project (subject to approval by the instructor) that involves numerical analysis and write a report that describes the numerical method, code developed, and results obtained. Project reports are due on the on the last class period.
Academic integrity: Academic integrity will be strongly enforced in this course. Any student caught cheating on any assignment will be given an F grade for the course and will be reported to the Office Student Standards and Accountability. Cheating is defined in the Standards for Student Conduct WAC (3). It is strongly suggested that you read and understand these definitions: I encourage you to work with classmates on assignments. However, each student must turn in original work. No copying will be accepted. Students who violate WSU’s Standards of Conduct for Students will receive an F as a final grade in this course, will not have the option to withdraw from the course and will be reported to the Office Student Standards and Accountability. Cheating is defined in the Standards for Student Conduct WAC (3). It is strongly suggested that you read and understand these definitions: Academic integrity is the cornerstone of the university. Any student who attempts to gain an unfair advantage over other students by cheating, will fail the assignment and be reported to the Office Student Standards and Accountability. Cheating is defined in the Standards for Student Conduct WAC (3).
Safety and Emergency Notification: Classroom and campus safety are of paramount importance at WSU, and are the shared responsibility of the entire campus population. Please sign up for emergency alerts on your account at MyWSU to receive notification regarding campus emergencies (including campus closures). All students should register their emergency contact information for the Crisis Communication System (CCS) through MyWSU. Click Update Now! under “Tri- Cities Emergency Info” to register for notification by text message, , telephone, or any combination of the three. Providing multiple contact methods will help ensure you receive notifications in a timely manner, and your information will NOT be used for any other purposeMyWSU
The Campus Safety Plan can be found at See also the WSU Office of Emergency Management site at Up-to-date WSU emergency alerts are available at Safety and Emergency Notification 2: WSU urges students to follow the “Alert, Assess, Act” protocol for all types of emergencies and the “Run, Hide, Fight” response for an active shooter incident.“Run, Hide, Fight” Remain ALERT (through direct observation or emergency notification), ASSESS your specific situation, and ACT in the most appropriate way to assure your own safety (and the safety of others if you are able). Please view the FBI’s Run, Hide, Fight video and visit the WSU safety portal.FBI’s Run, Hide, Fight videoWSU safety portal
Disability Services Reasonable Accommodations Statement: Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have a documented disability. Classroom accommodation forms are available through the Disability Services Office. If you have a documented disability, even if it’s temporary, make an appointment as soon as possible with the Disability Services Coordinator, Cherish Tijerina Pearson, West Building, Room 269J, at or You will need to provide your instructor with the appropriate classroom accommodation form. The form should be completed and submitted during the first week of class. Late notification can delay your accommodations or cause them to be unavailable. All accommodations for disabilities must be approved through the Disability Services Coordinator.
Course content: Chapter 3: Locating zeros of a function Chapters 5&6: Numerical integration Chapters 10&11: Systems of ordinary differential equations Chapter 2: Floating-point representation and errors Chapter 7: Systems of linear equations Chapter 8: Eigenvalues Chapter 9: Spline functions Chapter 12: Smoothing data and method of least square Matlab knows all Matlab has built-in function calls for all of these numerical methods You can use these to test results of the codes you write but results on homework, quizzes and final exam must be from codes you have written.
Course content: Chapter 3: Locating zeros of a function Chapters 5&6: Numerical integration Chapters 10&11: Systems of ordinary differential equations Chapter 2: Floating-point representation and errors Chapter 7: Systems of linear equations Chapter 8: Eigenvalues Chapter 9: Spline functions Chapter 12: Smoothing data and method of least square Google knows all You can probably find home-grown MatLab codes for all these methods by an internet search. I will ask you to hand-in the MatLab codes you used on homework and tests. I expect these codes to be primarily your personal work.