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Glory, Glory Lesson 23 I Hope They Call Me On A Mission Lesson 29 MO and More Lesson Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Expelled Lesson 27 Kirtland Lesson 25 and 26
She gathered hymns for a hymnal published in Kirtland
Emma Smith
Once finished, this building was considered one of the largest buildings in northeast Ohio
The Kirtland Temple
This song was sung at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple
The Spirit of God
The original color of the Kirtland Temple doors
This prophet restored the keys of sealing power in the Kirtland Temple
Doctrine and Covenants section 76 (vision of the Three Degrees of Glory) was given at John Johnson’s farm in Hiram, _____.
What kingdom is compared to the brightness of the sun?
The Celestial Kingdom
What happens to children who die before they are eight years old?
They are saved in the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven
Name one ordinance necessary for entrance to the Celestial Kingdom
Baptism Confirmation Ordination to the Priesthood Endowment Sealing
In what kingdom will people know about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ but never live with them or see them?
The Telestial Kingdom
Joseph Smith received a revelation that Zion would be located in Jackson County Missouri, and a temple would be built in I_______, Missouri.
What did the mob do to the printing press owned by William W. Phelps?
Destroyed it
The Book of Commandments contained early revelations to Joseph Smith. These revelations, and others, are now included in what book?
The Doctrine and Covenants
How did a ventriloquist help the Saints when being pursued by a mob?
He frightened the mob by making his voice sound like many Saints who were ready to fight
Even though the Saints were driven from their homes in Jackson County, what did the Saints see in the sky that let them know Heavenly Father loved them?
A meteor shower
In February 1835, twelve men were called to be what?
Apostles are special witnesses of whom?
Jesus Christ
When Elder Heber C. Kimball and his mission companions arrived in Preston, England it was Election Day. They saw a large banner that gave them hope. It said, “Truth will _____.”
In 1839 the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles were commanded to go to England to continue preaching the gospel. When the time came to depart, many Apostles and their families were ill with what disease?
A minister of a local church wanted a constable to arrest Elder Woodruff for preaching. What did the constable do who was sent to arrest Elder Woodruff?
He would not arrest Elder Woodruff and wanted to be baptized. He told the minister who sent him he had heard Elder Woodruff preach “the only true gospel sermon he had ever listened to in his life.”
In Far West, Missouri what separated the Saints from those that were not members of the church?
The county was to have a six-mile strip of unsettled land around it to keep the Saints separate
The Savior will rule over the earth when he comes again. What will this thousand-year period be called?
The Millenium
The Lord told Joseph Smith that the name for Spring Hill was ___-___-___. Orson Pratt later said this name means “Valley of God, where Adam dwelt” in “the original language spoken by Adam”
What do we mean by the second coming of Jesus Christ?
When Jesus first came to live on the earth he came as a baby. When he comes again he will be an adult. This will be his Second Coming.
When will the Second Coming take place?
No one except Heavenly Father knows exactly when it will be
How can we prepare ourselves for the Savior’s second coming?
Stand in holy places Let the Holy Ghost be your guide Do not be deceived by Satan Follow the Prophet Keep our covenants Live righteously Other righteous things