Nuclear Structure/Direct Reactions Experiments …became a broader discussion about how to initiate collaborations.


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Presentation transcript:

Nuclear Structure/Direct Reactions Experiments …became a broader discussion about how to initiate collaborations

Overarching discussion items There is a limited knowledge about the details of projects in both directions: this makes it difficult to discuss concrete collaborations There are many strong graduate students in China, but there are limited means to keep them in the field of low-energy nuclear physics: strong interest in training opportunities abroad – some funding is already available for that purpose Personnel to perform high-priority efforts in experimental nuclear science at NSCL/FRIB is constrained, and there is a need to further enhance technology development – such development can also enhance future development in China Experience in China is initially mainly in decay experiments, stopped beam experiments and experiments around the Coulomb barrier – it is easier to kick-off collaborations in these areas

Some tentative items mentioned for which collaboration could be fruitful Detectors with good timing/position resolution for tracking – e.g. diamond detectors Active Target Time projection Chamber Software development – FPGA programming Laser spectroscopy Laser ionization – harvesting applications Fragment separator development and operation Magnet design and construction – design know-how limited in China, but well-developed construction capabilities. … Collaborative efforts should be part of a coordinated and well- organized framework with clear science and/or technological development goals that are mutually beneficial

some concrete ideas Improve mutual understanding of projects, interests and objectives: workshop in China with the main goal to have a detailed exchange around areas of mutual interest and for US researchers to learn about facilities available in China The workshop could become the kick-off for an effort to create an experimental version of CUSTIPEN Evaluate what resources/opportunities are available to start on a small scale soon and expand later