New Audit Structure Illinois Radon Stakeholders Meeting April 24, 2015 Melinda Lewis IEMA Radon Program
General Measurement Specific Mitigation Specific New Audit Structure
New General Audit Items You have to come to us You have to bring everything to us
4 New Measurement Audit 1. Complete measurement files (residential AND commercial) for the date range of DATE - DATE. 2. Records of all duplicate tracking and control charts for the last 5 years from the date of this letter in accordance to 32 ILAC a). 3. *IF APPLICABLE* Records of all background measurement (blanks) tracking for the last 5 years from the date of this letter in accordance to 32 ILAC a). 4. *IF APPLICABLE* Records of all known radon measurement (spikes) tracking for the last 5 years from the date of this letter in accordance to 32 ILAC a). 5. *IF APPLICABLE* Records of all cross check measurement tracking for the last 5 years from the date of this letter in accordance to 32 ILAC a). 6. *IF APPLICABLE* Continuous radon monitor AND/ OR electret reader calibration records for the last 5 years from the date of this letter. This includes records for each piece of equipment being used in accordance to 32 ILAC a). 7. Records of all worker protection exposure tracking for the last 5 years from the date of this letter. 8. The total number of measurements performed in the calendar years DATE, DATE, DATE. Procedure IEMA calls licensee to set date IEMA sends notification letter outlining what to bring Licensee bring everything to our office on agreed upon day and time IEMA sends letter with any corrective actions required Licensee provides IEMA corrective action documents IEMA closes audit
5 New Measurement Specific What are we looking for? o Is everything required by in the file? o Is the measurement result reported as required? o Does the measurement report given to client contain all required pieces? Floor Plans Mitigation System Information/ Tag Numbers
6 New Measurement Specific What are we looking for? o Quality Assurance Records (5 years worth!!) Duplicate Charts Records of Spikes Records of Blanks Records of cross-checks Calibration Records o Worker Exposure Tracking (5 years worth!!) o Annual Reporting Accuracy (Specified Years)
7 New Mitigation Audit 1. Complete mitigation files for the specific addresses listed. 2. Records of all worker protection exposure tracking for the last 5 years from the date of this letter. 3. The total number of mitigations performed in the calendar years DATE, DATE, DATE. Procedure IEMA sends complimentary compliance inspection letters to addresses of completed mitigation systems IEMA performs inspections on multiple systems licensee installed IEMA calls licensee to set audit date IEMA sends notification letter outlining what to bring Licensee bring everything to our office on agreed upon day and time IEMA sends letter with any corrective actions required Licensee provides IEMA corrective action documents IEMA closes audit
8 New Mitigation Specific What are we looking for? o Did inspected systems meet all requirements of ? o Is everything required by in the file? o Does the mitigation work proposal given to client contain all required pieces? o Is there a building investigation/ floor plan? Contain all required pieces?
9 New Mitigation Specific What are we looking for? o Is there a post-installation checklist included? Does it contain all required pieces? o Are all required pieces of client information package provided to client after installation? o Exposure Tracking (5 years worth!!) o Annual Reporting Accuracy (Specified Years)
10 Questions? Melinda Lewis (217)